Dog with UTI


11 Years
May 28, 2009
South Central, PA
I've got a 5yr old spayed lab who appears to have a uti. She has had a couple accidents overnight the past couple days, but we just thought it was a fluke. Today, she is asking to go out ever 15-20 minutes and when she does, she only pees a tiny but but is straining to get more out. Our vet is very rural and only open on Wednesday and Friday so we have to deal with this for a few more days. We gave her a cup of yogurt this morning and found some old antibiotics prescribed to her about 3months go. We gave her 2 of the antibiotic pills. I'm just wondering if there is anything else we can do for the next few days to help before she goes to the vet.
I know cranberry capsules are good for preventing UTI in little old ladies.......they say cranberry juice but you have to get the straight stuff, not a cocktail and no one wants to drink that, it's nasty so they take the capsules. You might see about getting some and giving her probably 1 cap twice a day. This isn't medical advice, just off the dose for people and how big a lab is.
I picked up some pure cranberry powdered capsules and will be giving them to her. She has basically been sleeping all day and you can just see she is not feeling well. She seemed to be worse this morning and around 1ish she stopped asking to go out so often. She was "leaking" a little bit earlier, but again around 1ish it stopped. Still trying to pee after she has already gone, but at least she's not barking in my face every 20min needing to go out.
Something very weird happened. My dog stopped showing any symptoms. No licking, straining, leaking, or excessive water drinking, However, the cat has now started up. She is licking herself and using the litter box every 5-10 minutes. She too is straining and only getting a little urine out. None of the other cats or the other dog is showing any symptoms and they all eat the same food and drink the same water. The only thing they have in common is that they are the only two animals that spend time in my brother's room. He is home for winter break and has a habit of letting food sit in his room overnight and leaving his door open and feeding the animals people food. We do not feed out pets people food except for a piece of bread here and there. The first week home, he fed our one old dog with a sensitive stomach spicy chicken which then caused her to vomit for the rest of the night. He does not leave water sitting out up there, so I'm thinking the two may have eaten something that is messing with them. I just gave her a little bit of yogurt with 1/4 of a cranberry capsule mixed in there and we'll most likely be taking her to the vet with the dog on Wednesday. My brother is moving back to the dorms today so hopefully this will solve the problem.

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