I have a mountain fiest dog, and he chases birds and has killed a couple of our chickens. My dad beat him with the dead chicken and if he tries to follow me to an area within about 50 yards of the chicken coop i'll stomp at him or throw a rock at him just to scare him to a "safe distance".

Now he doesn't bother them at all. We even had a hen hatch out 9 chicks and they free range and we still have all 9 in tact.

When I go to feed the chickens he remains at the distance I established and he just watches me. Then I go back to the poarch and give him a little petting and go inside. I don't know, it seemed to work beating him with the dead chicken (just a little, nothing inhumane) and then establishing that distance for him to not go near the chickens... good luck.
to every one who keeps proposing the SSS option, do you really think that thats a good option? i mean how would you feel if it were your dog. not everyone has chickens... in fact i think that most people don't. if you want to be a responsible neighbor and avoid having these issues then i suggest that instead of shooting on sight (especially for those situations where the offender is a first timer) and causing some one incredible heart ache. i suggest you first find the owner of the dog, explain to them what happened and do the responsible thing, help them train their dog not to chase chickens. can you think of a better solution? everyone comes out on top and no one gets shot.

believe me i understand the intensity and emotionality of the moment when you find a dog attacking your chickens. my new neighbors dog two years ago got into our yard and found our chickens. it was a mess. the kids were crying and everyone was yelling and screaming. they were moving stuff into the house and a door got left open and the dog got out to go explore as dogs sometimes do. could you imagine what would have happened if we took the SSS option? what would that do to neighborly relationships? we later found out that the dog also 'saved' their daughter by alerting them to the fire that was spreading rapidly through their house. could you say that that chicken killing dog was a Bad Dog? and how do you think they would feel if we shot their 'heroic' dog?

instead we went up to them, talked to them. they replaced the chickens, obviously that didn't really cut it.... but we also worked with them to train their dog to not chase or kill our chickens and we have never had a problem since.

this beings me to the point. we worked on obedience training. kept the dog on a leash and slowly brought him closer and closer to where the chickens were correcting any time he showed interest to go for them. we did this for a few weeks and gave him treats when he showed indifference. This takes time and effort but it pays off.

to me Thats being a responsible neighbor. you never know whats on the other side of the fence, if your having problems with your nieghbor SSS wont make it any better.

try that and see how it works.
Ok, with all due respect, you seem to be going on the whole idea that you're friends with your neighbors and your neighbors are good, responsible people and your neighbors usually keep the dog confined on their own property, so it has to be an accident.

And it is not always that way!!

Listen to my scenario:

How would you feel if your neighbors were a bunch of lazy retards who didn't take care of their dog, never trained it, didn't seem very eager to get it back when the thing ran around the neighborhood barking at folks, chasing cats, and being a general pain in the rear? What would happen if that dog, whom everyone knows is animal aggressive, jumped your fence to get at your free-range chickens as you watched helplessly, while your DH beat the thing off and your children screamed and cried in horror? How would you feel if you dragged the mutt back over to its owners, still soaking in your beloved pet chicken's blood, and told them what it had done, only to have them act like they're ticked off you interrupted their viewing of the Maury Show, completely unconcerned about your dead pet?

This is what happened to a friend of mine and it was a horrific thing for the whole family to go through.

Personally, I have no trouble at all with SSS if the animal has been there before or the dog owners don't take any action at all to stop it. I'll warn them first but it'll be a cold day in hell before I sit back and be understanding while a dog, especially a repeat offender, murders my pets on my own property!
Well, I think this is the type of thing that everybody has an opinion on. It also seems that these type of situations should be handled on an "as dealt" basis... Meaning, you can't treat every dog situation the same. I personally could not kill anything, unless it was for the good of the animal. I love my chickens dearly, and one of my dogs did kill one of them. I feel I was to blame for that. It's not her fault - the chicken was flying and running, and she was chasing - it's the natural thing for a dog to do. I learned a very hard lesson from that incident though, and will never make the same mistake again. We have neighbors with a St.Bernard, a pittbull, and a new husky. The pitt and the husky like to come up to our farm and check out the goat pasture, and today the husky was down at our yard where our girls free range all day. Luckily we fenced the yard to keep our dogs from wandering or else I know we'd have a serious problem. Both the pitt and the husky are very friendly towards me, but I don't trust them one bit around my animals... this brings me to another point. If I shoot somebodys dog, even if it is on our property doing nothing good, then they will absolutely not hesitate to shoot my dog if one of them would get out of the yard. I don't need that stress & worry. So, that's my little rant - sorry! Hope it made some sense!!! Please don't ambush me for this
I'm just wondering who exactly you are addressing.. This thread was started by the dog owner, therefore nobody suggested the OP shoot their own dog.

Just because people suggest SSS, doesn't mean they or the OP are actually going to follow through. SSS, is done from situation to situation. It really depends on the animal's owner, if any.

Wow, I tell you what, this chicken forum has more dog trainers on it than any other forum I visit.

You know the only thing two dog trainers can agree on?

What the third one is doing wrong.

Yup, that's been my experience, too!!!!

And in response to A2Z's question "is SSS really a good option?"... Well, nothing "good" about it (IMHO), BUT it is a perfectly VALID option in some cases!! However, in THIS case, it is not an option that makes sense, or is being proposed, to the person who originally started this thread.
The dead chicken on the collar doesn't always work.... if your dog is like mine then they'll think christmas come early... they are fed on raw diet (yes, includes chickens..) BUT, they eat what they are given, they run with all the other animals here (chickens, ducks, cat, pigeons, goats, sheep, pigs, geese.... ) and no... they don't kill anything that belong in THIS property (my/ their territory), but they will kill any intruders (other cats, other dogs, etc).

The blood thing is not what started the chicken killing in most cases, it's the chase instinct.... and this can be triggered by your neighbour's chickens squawking if they are not use to the presence of your dog.. so my suggestion, take him for a meet and greet on a leash and a chocker to the chicken coop daily...
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