dogs and chickens

We have two akitas. Generally, they are really good with the chickens. On two occasions, each akita (one male, one female) were accidentally left outside alone with free ranging chickens. We came home to chickens roosting on the akita. If the chickens startle, however, the dogs figure, yeah! time to chase! So, we mostly keep the girls cooped and the dogs out of the backyard. (The female akita also likes to dig in my gardens.)

However, we did have one bad incident with the dogs. One of our chickens went down last summer from the heat and the humidity. We were trying to get her back to 100 percent, but it was taking quite a while and she was not doing particularly well. She did not smell like a health chicken, either. One night, the akitas opened the pen she was in, pulled her out, and killed her. I think they went after her because she smelled sick and not healthy like the other birds. Since then, their behavior toward the other healthy chickens remains as before, but we are super, extra careful not to leave them unattended with each other.
I'm pretty confident in my dogs. I know that doesn't mean much to others, as you always hear bad stories about overconfidence and dead animals...

I'm 100% positive if we started with day old chicks, they would be fine, as the chickens wouldn't fear them so badly right away, allowing for good introductions.

So would putting a sock over their head so they don't see the dog coming for a sniff be considered...bad chickening?

I'll probably do it anyway just cause that's the only way the dogs will get their smellin in without a huge freak out flap fest, in turn exciting the dogs. Just curious if I'm being too "mean".
I would not put anything on the chick. You do not want to make it in any way look like a toy and I think it is important for your dog to get used to how the birds really act. If they do run or freak out your dog needs to know how to act.

Let the chickens behave naturally and control the dog. Keep the dog on a leash if you are uncertain of how the animals will react to one another. Any behavior from your dog other than ignoring (even happy excitement) is unacceptable.
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They're full grown chickens, so just something over it's head won't make it like a "toy". Oddly enough the only toy the dogs-and only the boxer plays with is a rope.

We work on it a lil each day, the mutt justs ants me to pet her and the chickens can walk around her and she just watches. If a chickens scratches the dirt, they are sniffing the dirt, which makes for a real slow game of circle the yard, with the dogs smelling every step and the chickens continueing to walk faster...hehe.

I said "chicks" because of how they treated other baby animals in the past. The chicks wouldn't show a huge fear as a full grown chicken that was never around a dog shows it's fear. Hence covering it's eyes with something so it will sit still enough and not scream when the nose touches feather (I've tried just holding the chicken, too much movement and freaking out on the chickens part.)
I have a 3y/o collie mix who's great with small animals(rats, kittens, lizards, etc). When I first put him in the shed with my chicks he went straight to finding 'presents' and the chicks ran over thinking they were losing out on food. He gave a little warning wuff(he's sometimes food aggressive towards other animals if he isn't specifically told not to be) that earned him a scolding and there haven't been any issues since.
Although I haven't had chickens long, I absolutely trust my mutt/partner in crime to watch over them. He knows the sort of behaviour that's expected of him, and having a job to do gives him a sense of purpose.

He'll chase the ducks that come into my yard if I give him the OK command though. It's adorable, he looks up at me with those big brown eyes as if to say, "Please?" Sometimes I let him, sometimes I give the leave it command. He's been getting the 'leave it' ever since I got chicks though, poor guy. The ducks are getting bold.
I'm also looking for advice. We have a 9 year old schnauzer/poodle mix and he's always had free run of the backyard. Now that we have a coop, he wants to spend all day scratching, clawing, digging and barking at the little pullets inside. The chickens don't care, but the pup is going to drive the neighbors (and me) crazy with the noise and he is getting filthy with the digging.

How did you all make the introductions? I'm thinking we are almost to the point where we'll need to move the coop and fence the dog in separately. :(
Well, I've tried just holding the chickens to lett the dogs sniff, but it just caused the chickens to freak and in turn, excite the dogs. I've just been doing it rreal slow, a few minutes ata time with both out in the yard.
My dog hates the chickens... When they were like 11 days old he tryied to eat one an wen I turned around he had it in his mouth an all I saw was a wing sticking out but I hit him an he let it go.. He is an ooooolllllldddd dog an that chicken was ok cause his teeth r wore out hahah. There he is...

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