
Now if that don't beat all. The gall of some folks.
See, this is what I have been reading over and over in regards to problems with dogs. There seems to be some sort of "disconnect" with dog owners about what their responsibilities are to their dogs and to their neighbors. I am well aware that accidents happen and that dogs will occasionally escape even a good enclosure, but the bottom legal line is that other people are not required to fence dogs out; dog owners are legally required to fence their dogs in or keep them on some sort of leash. It's their responsibility.

There are many reasons why this should be a given and why there should be no questions about how it "should have been handled" and why dog owners don't really have any recourse when their dog disappears.

When our neighbors moved in they brought with them a German Shepherd and a boxer. Max and Kaiser... pretty dogs, but they found a way to breach the fence and get in our yard. We had 2 elderly chihuahuas and an elderly foxhound/lab mix and these two other dogs would lunge at and challenge ours. We were concerned that the big dogs would grab the chihuahuas and kill them because the bigger dogs did act very aggressive towards them. The only time the chi's went out was to do business, but at night, we could not see if the shepherd and boxer were there. This went on for months until one night DH was walking down the driveway from the art studio to the house. No moon, pitch black and as he walked down the driveway, he was confronted by the 2 dogs who growled and acted like they were being territorial. The next morning the neighbors were given the final ultimatum. We told them what would happen if that ever happened again and they did finally do enough to contain their dogs. They ended up getting rid of both dogs when they got sheep and chickens because the dogs were harassing their own livestock. *facepalm*

I don't ever want to have to be faced with the decision of making a choice between someone's dog or my livestock. I don't know what it takes to get through to dog owners that dogs are predators and must be contained. There are laws that state this, fines for not adhering to it and consequences that no one wants if none of that is followed. In reading this forum back a few years on this subject, almost every occasion where someone told the neighbor that they had to shoot their dog, the results have been the neighbor becoming the NFH.
I don't have any close neighbors so i find these to be handy from time to time, i use a 2 inch / 3 foot long peice of PVC pipe to send them where ever i want them to go and have shorter ones for close range.
I keep a couple 100 on hand at all times.

Oh, I can aim a bottle rocket with a launcher pretty good. Great idea, but they are illegal here except New Year's and 4th of July. We have cops living in the subdivision that adjoins our property. They'd have a conniption fit if we tried that. And we've been subject to drought conditions....
We have an AC that will pick up, but they are only open a few hours a week. If the dog has a collar or looks well-fed or shows ANY sign that it might have a home somewhere, then they won't take it. Why? because they don't take owned dogs! There is a Humane Society that will take owner turn-ins, but you have to sign paperwork saying that you own the dog and pay a $75 fee. Oh, and there is a 6 month waiting list.
So, here, the recommendation if you have a problem with a stray is that you call them if it shows up and hope that they are open and not out on another call. If they are closed and the dog is harassing livestock, AC recommends that you shoot it. They recommend that you never try to catch a stray dog.

I know this isn't related but there was a stray on our property last November, so I went out and got him to trust me (took hours). After he came in with me he stayed for a month and was the most brilliant dog ever. He already knew commands (even shake), completely trained. He now has a home with some of our great friends. He started out as a stray.
I've had plenty of great dogs that started out as a stray. I guess I was referring more to the problem ones lol Most of our "strays" have homes, usually right across the street at the trailer park. They are completely un-used to human contact a lot of the time. There are litters of pups born there every couple months and they are just wild. They get things thrown at them as much as they get food, so they are very human wary. Especially of strangers. It's really sad.

Like someone said earlier, there IS a huge disconnect with dog owners. Many of them don't ever believe that their dog would kill another animal. Then others believe that it is their dog's right to roam as they please and that anyone who harms it is going to get in big trouble. Here, we don't have a leash law, so that attitude of "roaming is good" is even more prevelant. That's why I have the deputies go over and inform the owners that I'm within my legal right to shoot their dog. I know that they wouldn't believe it otherwise...

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