

In the Brooder
8 Years
May 14, 2011
Cle Elum, WA
Our neighbor had two black Labradors that constantly went onto our property and harassed the chickens by running them to death back and forth through the fence. Since at first I was able to scare them away easily and they hadn't caused any real damage other than a few very bothered hens, I was forgiving in the beginning. My property is fenced but apparently there is a hole on the neighbor's side of the fence. I got my tools out and repaired it but I came out a week later and it was bigger than it had been before. Once the unwelcome visits became frequent, and my chickens actually ended up with feathers missing and scratches from where the dogs had clawed at my coop's fencing - which is now dented, I called the owner of the dogs, who responded with "It's not my responsibility if your fencing is shabby." Enraged at this statement, considering that fencing or not, it's his responsibility to keep his dogs under wraps, I told him that I would call animal control if it happened again. He brushed it off and hung up, and low and behold his dogs showed up yet again the next day, so I kept my promise and called the local animal control. They did absolutely nothing and never got back to me, so I settled for a few months with just watching my coop and property closely. Regrettably, I let down my guard and lost an Australorp hen to the two dogs, who broke a hole in my coop and only managed to get one hen when they couldn't fit into the main part of the coop.
At this point I was fed up, exhausted and in tears so I busted out my .22 and fired a few warning shots. They didn't even move an inch, so I fired a few rounds off and managed to kill one of them. The other got away, but I haven't had any more trouble from the owner so far.
some dog owners...

Edit: I called the owner afterward and told him that I'd killed the dog, and that he could come and retrieve the body if he wanted; but he never showed up so we left it in a blanket on his doorstep.
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It is a shame. Irresponsible dog owners ruin it for those people that are good dog owners. You did what you had to do, the dog owner sounded like a real jerk and animal control really is a useless agency as well as code enforcement! My neighbors dog was coming onto our property (thankfully he didn't go near the chickens) but he had an bad infatuation with my horses. My stallion apparently got fed up with the dog and kicked or stepped on it...interesting haven't found the dog on my property since:)
I figured it would have been a bit overkill to tell him that I would kill the other dog if it happened again, since he appeared to have learned his lesson. But I won't hesitate next time if he does come onto my property again. I even went to the liberty of replacing that fence again since the dog owner wouldn't do it.

And apparently he's getting a new pitbull now.
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I plan to, I can't believe people like this exist.
Today he called me up and told me that my rooster was crowing loudly and that he was going to file a report if I didn't take care of it.
I can't believe this guy.
Mainly because I don't have a rooster anymore. And none of my hens crow.
Be CAREFUL!!!!!! I would suggest that you make contact with animal control and keep 'nudging' them until you set up a rapport with them or someone else (local elected official). I have a sense of this neighbor being a serious danger.
I plan to, I can't believe people like this exist.
Today he called me up and told me that my rooster was crowing loudly and that he was going to file a report if I didn't take care of it.
I can't believe this guy.
Mainly because I don't have a rooster anymore. And none of my hens crow.

Wow, what a liar
. Its amazing how stupid some people are. Hopefully the fence will keep his dogs out, if not I guess another dog might end up at his door step. I can't believe he hasn't learned his lesson, he didn't even care to go get his dog's body.

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