Dominique of the year! Ends November 5th, 2011 WINNERS ANNONCED!

Thats so sweet and sad,
Poor Pac...
BYC Username: FrenchToast
Name of Domonique: Dom Delouise
Age of Domonique: 6 months
A short story about your Domonique:

Dom Delouise is a 6 month old Domonique Rooster who's life started out in Georgia. He arrived here in NE WI inside a shell with a warm cozy incubator waiting to start his life journey. He arrived with a few other Domonique and Orphington eggs. He was one of the lucky ones since some of the other eggs arrived cracked and oozing. He is a survivor !!
They arrived at my local PO on April 1st 2011, but Fool he is not!!!
He made it to the end and hatched on April 23rd, 2011

He is an all time Country kind of guy !!! He is housed with his siblings, some Barred Rock hens and roo and several Guineas !!

There is not a mean bone in his body. He gets along great with everyone and no matter what bred or gender.

He has a special spot in his heart for Barbie Doll the Barred Rock Pullet.
They are like two peas in a pod but don't tell him she's not a Domonique !!!!
At first I thought it was strange that he picked her but then after some thought , why would he want to court his own sister ????

His favorite snack is apples as you might guess ! Hopefully he will be the Daddy to alot of nice Dom chicks in the spring and I think it only appropriate that him and Barbie Doll have a family of their own too !!!

Here is a picture of Dom Delouise, it isn't his best but he is camera shy and this is the best I could do with the rainy cloudy weather we have been having.
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I would love to enter our new Dominiques.

BYC username: HollidaySmith
Name of your dominique (if named): Hermen and Henrietta
Age of dominique (if known): approx 8 months.
A short story about your dominique: We were lucky enough to win this wonderful pair of birds at the Crossroads Poultry show last weekend.
A very kind lady that was tending the booth for the raffle saw the birds doing this and took the picture. When we won the chickens she showed me
the pictures and was kind enough to email them to me. We have a small 5 acre organic farm and Herman and Henrietta will have a wonderful life here.
We are firm believers in help conserve the heritage breeds. We now have both Dominiques and Java's and will be looking to add Buckeye's next spring.
Here is the endearing picture we were given from last Saturday.
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