Done thank you for the posts. Im done..No more Posts needed. Thanks

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it worries me to as I have had MAJOR problems with men who have drank before..Nothing I want to talk about over a thread as its WAY more personal. But.. I do have to give him credit for trying. He has cut down ALOT since we got together.. Hes not a mean drunk. Hes pretty dumb when hes drunk to put it nicely. lol But he hasnt been drunk in almost a year now! As far promises go.. Yes he has broken them several times which I could blame on stress from his kids getting yanked away from him.. But that would not be right I know this.. Its his own fault he didnt keep them and he should think of what hes going to do before he does it. Its the only promise he has ever broken! This I no forsure! He does love me I know this. I can feel it. I know it sounds weird but I know his heart is in the right place. And your not being rude your concerned and you have a right to be concerned knowing there is a child involved. I really appreciate it.
I agree with this.

This might seem mean now that I'm typing it. I've said this to my daughters before they were an age to be boy crazy. You CAN choose the man you fall in love with so choose wisely and your life can be easier. If you can't support yourself then you should choose a man to love that can support you. Once you fall in love, if hes umm less then perfect then be prepared to make up where his faults are.

He was drinking a 30 pack a day and has cut down to bout 3 or 4 beers every great once in awhile.. And its not really his fault he cant support us he has epilepsy.. Hes applying for ssi but as you might know that takes some time..

A alcoholic can't drink just a few once in awhile. Did he recently acquire epilepsy? or has he just been lazy about getting disability for it?​

To be honest and brutily honest hes been lazy getting diability. Just recently he has been working hard to get it cause his parents are driving him nuts to.. and the time we met I was supporting myself and I was 6 months pregnant. I do have some money coming in just not alot. Thank heavens my daughters dad is military and I have a few things on him that he knows he has to pay child support. But Im not that evil I wouldnt use them on him but he doesnt know that.. lol Its when I moved here to be with him that I lost my job and havent been able to get another one. So..
ray's two cents :

Im not picky when it comes to my friends hehe
I mean i do have 3 hens 3 roosters and 2 ducks as friends and 4 dogs
so Im a girl as well if you couldnt tell hehe

Oh wow! I really couldn't!

Nah, just kidding
I posted a thread about my chickens sometimes being much better than people. I suppose it's also true for ducks and dogs!​

yes dogs and ducks and chickens my best friends here
They make sure Im entertained and happy for the most part. Just sitting outside in my chair watching them makes me content on a daily basis
it worries me to as I have had MAJOR problems with men who have drank before..Nothing I want to talk about over a thread as its WAY more personal. But.. I do have to give him credit for trying. He has cut down ALOT since we got together.. Hes not a mean drunk. Hes pretty dumb when hes drunk to put it nicely. lol But he hasnt been drunk in almost a year now! As far promises go.. Yes he has broken them several times which I could blame on stress from his kids getting yanked away from him.. But that would not be right I know this.. Its his own fault he didnt keep them and he should think of what hes going to do before he does it. Its the only promise he has ever broken! This I no forsure! He does love me I know this. I can feel it. I know it sounds weird but I know his heart is in the right place. And your not being rude your concerned and you have a right to be concerned knowing there is a child involved. I really appreciate it.

I've had people say that to me before, so I know exactly what you're talking about. Not many people 'get' me, I suppose you could say, and I've always had a disagreeable temperament, but they say "Oh, I can see your heart is in the right place."
He sounds much better than the men you mention. Perhaps it will get even better?
Oh wow! I really couldn't!

Nah, just kidding
I posted a thread about my chickens sometimes being much better than people. I suppose it's also true for ducks and dogs!

yes dogs and ducks and chickens my best friends here
They make sure Im entertained and happy for the most part. Just sitting outside in my chair watching them makes me content on a daily basis

Those small things in life are lovely...
ray's two cents :

it worries me to as I have had MAJOR problems with men who have drank before..Nothing I want to talk about over a thread as its WAY more personal. But.. I do have to give him credit for trying. He has cut down ALOT since we got together.. Hes not a mean drunk. Hes pretty dumb when hes drunk to put it nicely. lol But he hasnt been drunk in almost a year now! As far promises go.. Yes he has broken them several times which I could blame on stress from his kids getting yanked away from him.. But that would not be right I know this.. Its his own fault he didnt keep them and he should think of what hes going to do before he does it. Its the only promise he has ever broken! This I no forsure! He does love me I know this. I can feel it. I know it sounds weird but I know his heart is in the right place. And your not being rude your concerned and you have a right to be concerned knowing there is a child involved. I really appreciate it.

I've had people say that to me before, so I know exactly what you're talking about. Not many people 'get' me, I suppose you could say, and I've always had a disagreeable temperament, but they say "Oh, I can see your heart is in the right place."
He sounds much better than the men you mention. Perhaps it will get even better?​

Perhaps it will and perhaps it wont who knows.. Just give it a shot an go with it I suppose.. I hope no one sees him as a bad guy because even though hes an alcholic he really is a good guy.. If only they knew him.. they would understand.. I didnt mean him sound like the bad guy.. I know hes trying.. and so am i.. its his parents who havent held up their end.. They new we needed help and they offered to help if we moved up here and they havent...
ray's two cents :

yes dogs and ducks and chickens my best friends here
They make sure Im entertained and happy for the most part. Just sitting outside in my chair watching them makes me content on a daily basis

Those small things in life are lovely...

yes they are beyond lovely if there is such a thing
cant wait for my ChiPins to get here they are going to be SO FREAKING ADORABLE! hehe :p
Hate to be the one to tell you, but yes you need to get out of there, and WITHOUT HIM. You keep standing up for him ,when people post about getting away from him, you can't see because your love for him,

little facts in my life ,my brother was one great man , his one fault was his love for beer.....addiction he never broke until he die. Sound same with your man....nothing my brother wouldn't do for his family....but he lost it all because he couldn't or wouldn't stop drinking......nothing will change your man ,until he has lost everything, or dies. maybe thats way he lost his other family....i know it was his x's fault.

Save you and your girl from many years of hell ,get away from him and his family.
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I've had people say that to me before, so I know exactly what you're talking about. Not many people 'get' me, I suppose you could say, and I've always had a disagreeable temperament, but they say "Oh, I can see your heart is in the right place."
He sounds much better than the men you mention. Perhaps it will get even better?

Perhaps it will and perhaps it wont who knows.. Just give it a shot an go with it I suppose.. I hope no one sees him as a bad guy because even though hes an alcholic he really is a good guy.. If only they knew him.. they would understand.. I didnt mean him sound like the bad guy.. I know hes trying.. and so am i.. its his parents who havent held up their end.. They new we needed help and they offered to help if we moved up here and they havent...

I understand, he does sound like a good person from what you're saying. Everyone has places where they're not going to be able to live up to standards, but it does sound like things are improving a lot. I wish you all the best in finding your own place and moving out as a family! I mean, my dad drinks socially. He's never gotten drunk but he's usually past the safe driving limit and we have to pick him up. Doesn't make him a bad man.
Those small things in life are lovely...

yes they are beyond lovely if there is such a thing
cant wait for my ChiPins to get here they are going to be SO FREAKING ADORABLE! hehe :p

All the best with those too!
I've always wanted a dog. Never actually got round to getting one though! We usually don't get home from the city until eight or nine at night though, so there'd be nobody to take care of it
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