Dont assume your hens are eating the eggs!


10 Years
Jan 25, 2013
Just a thought as egg laying is starting to pick up. Please don't assume your chickens are eating their own eggs.
Last season I was SURE I had a hen breaking open and eating the eggs in the coop. I tried to get out quicker, put hot sauce in an empty egg.
BUT THEN... I decided it was time to cull the culprit.

To find out who it was, I put my video camera in the coop. To my amazement - It was a BLUE BIRD!! It was flying in and looking for the nest ( I moved it, turned it etc) and was still breaking open every egg!! It wouldn't drink much, but was coming back 4-5 times a day.
I got him on video about 4 different times.
I ended up putting a netting around the entrance, and the Blue Bird stopped coming in for the eggs. They are still around though, but no broken eggs. Thankfully then hens didn't learn about the food source.
I would have taken it to the bank it was my hens doing it. And those Blue Birds seem to be lurking outside still, now that egg season is up again.
Here is a pic of my California culprit:
Just don't be surprised at who is your thief
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Oh, yes, the clever scrub jay - I know it well. I had one coming through the pop door and STEALING eggs. Literally, carrying an egg in its beak, hopping out, repositioning the egg, and flying off... Low and with various short hops to keep its prize.

I was SO shocked. Could hardly believe the stinkin' thing could carry a hen's egg!

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