Don't eat that.

My chickens have tried:

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Substitute muscadines for the blueberries, huge nasty slugs for toads.
Oh and then there is anything I am eating they think they must have as well. The latest was my peanut butter fudge milkshake that I had to share. I did draw the line at sharing my coffee though!

We have a surplus of slugs, especially with all the rain this summer, and I haven't seen a chicken give one a second glance yet. That's the one thing I wish they would consume and so far have seen no evidence of it. Why is that?
My chickens have gone for my fiance's... um... **cough** you know where...

Speaking of, is anyone besides myself when watching chickens doing what they do reminded of the game of soccer? You know, running around wobbling from side to side with their hands at their sides, only to flap them vigorously when running fast. And only using their heads and feet. And jumping vertically in the air to head a ball like they're going for a blackberry out of reach on a bush (whew, there, finally got it on topic).
My beer, every single chicken out there took a couple of belts out of my glass.
This happened to me once, except it was a monkey, and he jumped on my head before slurping my drink. My chickens are Emily Post compared to that guy.

My latest about the chooks is rather disappointing. (translation, absolutely disgusting, I thought they were better than that).

I plonked the cat tray outside the back door because it's been pouring rain and I couldn't/didn't want to carry it up to the compost.

We have a surplus of slugs, especially with all the rain this summer, and I haven't seen a chicken give one a second glance yet. That's the one thing I wish they would consume and so far have seen no evidence of it. Why is that?
It's scientific. There is a ratio that determines a chicken's likelihood of tasting this or that. It is directly measured as an inverse to your desire for them NOT to taste a particular thing.
I have a cat friend who had a 6 fingered (thumbs?) cat… apparently they are as high maintenance as my dragons, but no more dangerous. I've been reading up on your douchebags; going backward rather than starting at the beginning; I should probably correct that. It's a great story, Mace.
I was going to comment that reading it backwards would be a tale of a man who gets DUMBER about the care of his chickens, but I realized that I can't prove that to be true! I seem to hold onto ignorance as if it were a virtue!
My beer, every single chicken out there took a couple of belts out of my glass. Didn't even ask just helped themselves! Bunch of alcoholic,entitled brats. I held my tongue when they ate my pop tart but a lady's Guinness is sacred ground.
You need two Guinni (plural for Guinness) ... one for you and one for the flock ... aren't there endless articles about the benefits of fermented grains and/or hops all over these boards? ;)

If you pour two Guinni and then discover they are not interested, I figure a Guinness in each hand constitutes a 'balanced' meal.

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