Don't follow me I am lost too!!!!!!!

Hidden text? Really? For like... adult innuendos? Or just movie endings?


Neat line.

  1. I thought we had this before? I did notice it missing at one point.
  2. It will auto create numbered lists like this.

  • Or bullets!

And all these neat colors !!

Ok, testing complete.

Wait, smiley test...

Such a big window for such a small selection!

EDIT: (little pencil, bottom left of post) The hidden "spoiler alert" will show on the forum page before you even get to the post... it says what is supposed to be hidden!! Haha
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Ok, I am still rolling with the change.
I just found the smilies.......that is a start. Links work.

I can whine in purple now! Bold underlined italic purple too!
I can pretend to censor myself while still saying what I want.

Anyone forget their glasses?
If you can read this, you don't need them anyway.

So far so good. Sorry for playing on your thread. I'm just trying to get the hang of this.

So glad to know I'm not alone.
im lost too. havent moved around on the site too much today. its too confusing. sometimes simple is better. i wonder why the sudden urge to have to change it. more money for upgrade status probably. ?
By the way, there is an option to set preferences on posting replies. I switched so it is like the old way. I would rather copy and paste links than open the window, click image from a URL and post it that way every single time. That might be beneficial to you as well.
Did you watch the tutorial on Youtube?

Oh God What a tutorial thingy - how do I find that oh no I am sooooo computer deficient I didn;t even know what a URL thingy was so I asked DH > ??? I still don;t understand but he said it was the WWW thingy. UGH? Oh great now I have to go find Utube????? Ha ha this is going to take a deal of time. _ Last I saw no one else has managed to find the Coffee shop either. I wonder how many of the chickens will find there way back to this coop???? - oh and I only just found the edit button!!!!

It is a very nice new forum. It is just going to take some time to get used to thats all. I think Nifty and staff did a great job. I can only imagine how much time went into this major project. This new forum has a lot of new options when compared to the old one. It seems like a good chunk of things that were on the old BYC's wishlist is on this new forum. It will certainly take some time for everybody to get used to this new look and it wont be over night. But give yourselves a few weeks and we will all be pro's!
Great new forum in my opinion!

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