don't know if she will make it through the night! Need Help NOWWWWW!!!!!

I did not know the "dot trick" I can get some grit. What about sand would that work?
When my birds were chicks, sand was included for them, but now grown they use small bits up to small pea size of gravel from under the larger rocks in the driveway.
The granite and quartz act like teeth to grind larger items they have eaten when get to the gizzard.
UPDATE!!! Cumberbatch is standing and walking again, she is losing weight actually, which is weird because she has been eating and pooping more. So I have been giving her lots of extra attention and food. She ate about a teaspoon of wet food when she was with me and I have been giving her broth, and spoon feeding her (she will take the wet grain willingly). She is drinking water a lot. And She has been getting a visitor about once every other day from her old batch of buddys! My family is kinda pushing me to get her out of the house.:rantto which I said:caf until she can fend for herself in the coop. I am also trying to get her out. I don't want her to get used to the house, but I'm pretty sure she is not ready to be living with roosters and other hens after being away so long. I am hoping to get her back to living outdoors ASAP. But I am going to give her all the time she needs to heal.

that's about it! thanks

This is going to be last update ever on cumberbatch.

I made a video.

I think she just gave up.

she was doing so well, I can't stop crying, I have cried all day.

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