Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

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We have a little of that here. No where near as much as your country from what you say.

The main thing in America is lawyers. If you have the money for a good lawyer you can get out of a lot of illegal situations. Usually just tax and corruption, but sometimes murder. Those without money that have to rely on a crummy lawyer or a public defender that is completely stretched beyond their limit usually go to jail.

So a wealthy kid with a 1/4 lb of cocaine will get off with probation and some community service. A kid from the other side of town with a 1/8 gram piece of rock cocaine will get 10-20 years in the prison. A lot of people think prison is good though. After all they get slop 3 times a day and get to take showers with other guys. Just don't drop your soap. Of course those bar across your door make you feel more secure so you don't need a gun.
Don't forget they get free health care in prison. Inmates have a racket that gets them to see a doctor and one of the illnesses they claim to have is testicular cancer so they get to go get a exam and ultrasound by a young woman usually.
it seems like we have same problem in law enforcement

isn't it too bad that even murderer can get low punishment with good lawyer?

did this statement ("Just don't drop your soap") mean something rather than its general meaning?

well, unlike in US, we're prohibited to have any kind of gun, no firearm, small arm, and other kind of arm may be possessed by civilian. Although it seems hopeless since there are so many crimes involved firearm here, start from robbery, thievery, etc.

in US prison, that may be true, but not in here.

in prison here, there are too much stress start with improper food to overloaded prison and there have been so many complaint with "ghost money" visitor need to pay to prison guard in order to visit their relatives/family. I think there are still too many unique bad habit that can be found here that can't be found in US.

Not only in state prison, that also valid in police prison, I once visit my friend that being trapped by police with cannabis possession in police prison, the police that guard the headquarter ask me for "cigar money", I told him I don't have any, just about 4 seconds his friend told him not to ask me since there's risk of being exposed by mass media since I'm a college student. I just wonder how to brainwash all this country public service officer and staff and fill it with good mind.
Yes the soap thing has a double meaning. prison rape is very common and has to do with dominance vs orientation. There is corruption in our prisons too, but there are more safeguards in place to control it. People will always find a way to get around the rules though. Prisoners get required health care. The testicular cancer thing is just a propaganda story that people on one side of our political system put out because they feel prisoners should be thrown in a hole and eat spiders and mice. So they exaggerate the real situation.

The world as a whole is slowly getting better about human rights abuses. Someday if the species survives that long you may see a better world. All you can do is hope and try to put the word out. Don't get thrown in jail over it.
Like you are

Judging from your postings you got me beat hands down in that category.
This forum isn't supposed to be about crass insults. So try to imbed them . Okie dokie.
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Said it before but if health insurance was run like home owners or auto it'd be awesome. You pay in a reasonable sum, an amount that doesn't starve you (if you're in our income bracket) and in return if there's a disaster you're covered. You don't call State Farm if your kitchen or brake light goes out... you just get a new bulb. You don't pay thousands and thousands a year for a card that entitles you to go to the doctor (sic mechanic), have him diagnose your blown bulb, pay his bill and get a scrip for a bulb. Then take that scrip to AutoZone, and if they've got a generic in stock you only pay X, but if they don't or they're out you get bumped up to premium and pay Y. Unless of course it's a fancy 'operation' then you get to pay a specialist doctor (mechanic) hundreds for five minutes of their time to replace the faulty bulb... and pay the shop fees for disposing of the old one, bay usage and so on... all on separate bills that all get sent to you instead of your insurance because they don't bother or your insurance auto-declines all claims in the hopes you'll cave and pay them or because you haven't reached your 10000.00 deductible that you have to pay out (on top of the premiums) before they'll shell out a dime.

Nope, that's not how car insurance works. You handle the day to day care, in a disaster (sic crash) insurance steps up. Still might be a deductible, but it's not the outrageous ones that the health industry imposes. If there was health insurance like auto insurance then we'd be set. We cover the cost of shots, annual exam, etc and IF cancer, aids, fall off the roof, etc happens THEN insurance kicks in... but otherwise you take care of the little stuff... like light bulbs, fuses, and floor wax. That would be the perfect insurance for us, something we could afford, something that protected in case of disaster... which let's be honest the insurance companies scare the hell out of us with doomsday cancer prophesies to keep us paying their outrageous fees... and for what? A card that isn't worth the tree killed to print it.

I wish wish WISH a company would have the gumption to create a plan like that. But since they don't seem to be willing to do that, not profitable enough I suppose, then I vote for a UK similar system. Go to the doc when you need to, bill gets sent to uncle sam. Money is taken from your check... varies by income level so it won't take food off your table... to pay into the pot and everyone can access the pot.

Any who don't want to participate don't have to, still have the freedom of choice, can still pay out the nose for private insurance, private doctors, private hospitals if they want to... if they feel they're better than the mere peasants and deserve better then that's their choice. They're the one paying into the pot AND paying for private and it's their money to do with as they wish. But for those who have no choice, no money means no choice... they still have access to medical care. Maybe not a boob job, but yeah that bout of strep throat is covered. The Libertarian in me would MUCH prefer the insurance I described... I'm just stubborn that way... but if we can't have that than I can stomach this... even if it is a totally communist (Karl Marx) idea.
Something worth noting is the fact that the average family physician in the UK makes about 60,000.00 a year with 35% deduction, the same position in the US makes 120,000.00 with a 20% deduction. Interestingly enough dentist make more than doctors in the US but in the UK they make about 40,000.00 a year.

I would consider a plan that you described PineappleMama but in no way do I want the government running it. How would the government run such a program? like our schools? no thank you.

The voucher system for healthcare sounds intriguing from what I have read of it.

For socialized medicine to work in the US we would have to gut the system, nurses would be working for 1/2 of what they now make as well as the doctors and on down the line. Who would spend 8 or 10 years becoming a doctor for 60,000.00 a year? or have a shortage as people leave the field for greener pastures.

Healthcare is becoming a luxury in this country, I for one figure if I get real sick I will file medical bankruptcy if I get fixed.
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