Don't Wait! Start Extra Today. 4th Month Day 3

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🙄🤚Do More!😩🤚 Less is More® Kiki Winz!
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jul 31, 2015
Houston, TX
My Coop
My Coop
Start caring about your weight.
Obese is not healthy.

Grab some hand weights to start.


2nd Month

Day 1 Wednesday 9/8
Day 1 2V Arms weights

Day 2 1V Abs
Day 2 2V Heather H. Arm w/weights

Day 3 1V 3 min arms

Day 4 Abs 50+
Day 4 2V 4 min Arms w/Annie

Day 5 1V 6 min abs
Plus Day 2 2V

Day 6 1V abs w Bailey
Day 6 2V Arms w Annie 7 mins

Day 7
Day 7

Day 8 1V Abs
Day 8 2V shoulder burn w Annie

Day 9 1V Thigh burn

Day 10 V1 ab
Day 10 V2 shoulder burn w Annie

Saturday 9/18
Day 11 Heather Shoulder
Day 11 abs

Sunday 9/19
Day 12 1V 4 min abs

Monday 9/20
Day 13 1V 5 pound arms

Tuesday 9/21
Day 14 1st video
Day 14 arms 50+

Wednesday 9/22
Day 15 1V 4 min ab burn
Day 15 2V Arms with 3 ladies

Day 16 1V Standing ab cardio
Day 16 2V Arms

Day 17 1V stretch knees
Day17 2V tank top arms

Day 18 Naked dude arms

Day 19 ABS

Day 20 Upper Abs

Day 21 Ten minutes

Omg did I really miss 2 days of updating this post? F words. I'll fix it...maybe.

Day 24 Saturday Oct. 2
Day 25

Im not a diet expert, will NEVER claim to be any kind of expert on any food stuff. except being a fat POS who will eat like a gorging pig when I find something I like. I can absolutely set an example of what NOT to do / be like etc.

with my credentials out of the way...

any diet, think of it like an addiction, it's got it's hold on you and you need to KICK it !!
Will power is the number one thing, if you don't have it, im sorry but all the coddling in the world, all the pity party's, all the 'support groups' bla bla woof, are not going to do a friggin thing for you, until YOU are ready to put down the knife and fork !!

Where most people fail is they try to do things too fast, they get super motivated and basically cold turkey, or I call it 'train wreck' themselves. ie they head on a course that is NOT going to end well, they know it, WE know it, but like a train, you are on a track, there is inertia behind you and not a hell of a lot you are going to do to change THAT outcome. Now... although you can't change the trains inertia, you CAN change it's direction, you can't stop it moving on, but you CAN flip a switch and steer it into a much better direction.

The second problem, (sorry im going to ramble here a bit, feel free to tell me to STFU and put me on ignore)

The first week or so is water weight (yes that includes BEER weight too !!) so you lose a bunch of weight and go, Oh HOT Damned!! this diet stuff is EASY, Im gonna set a world record!!! and you are all super motivated. come week 2.5,... 3... I call the REAL weeks. Ok you peed out the easy stuff, NOW comes the GENUINE weight loss !! Oh wow, I busted my ass and ate bird seed for 2 weeks!! and in those $%$in weeks only lost a pound? $%$ this crap I quit !!!

This is the 'adult' section of the diet, where commitment, maturity, responsibility, and dedication come into play. Now is where you have to work at it.
Hunger pangs, all those darned candy bars laying around the house, all those commercials on TV etc, do NOT help either!! Having a grumbly tumbly does NOT help, if you decide to go the keto route (Ill keep personal opinions out of that one) being in the keto flu does not help, or the super cravings. Once you get past that stage and are just HUNGRY now and not hungry and crappy., you can really work at it.

at this point, teaching your body to crave / want BETTER stuff, and not just the sugar, carbs, easy 'fixes' is what you need to learn. empty stomach = FEED ME SEYMOUR !! So lets find something to fill that empty spot.

For me, Id wake up, take my morning meds, and then get a cup of coffee, (NO SUGAR, goops glops and stuff like that!) Give it about half an hour for the meds to kick in, and the coffee so I can move w/o excruciating pain, AND the caffeine gives me a boost of energy AND nulls the hunger pangs a bit too. At this point, Id go out and take care of early morning stuff. feed the chickens, feed the rotten too before I went out. It's nice and cool out, so pull weeds, hoe this, rake that, (the point here is to break the habit we ALL learned over life, wake up and EAT like piggies !!) Let's get some good work in! the exercise is both WONDERFUL for your body and overall health, but, for reason's im not medically qualified to honestly explain, your hunger goes away a bit! Drink a nice glass of cold water or two, not too much. A, We always need water B. You probably are dehydrated a bit anyways, just waking up, C, might have broke a sweat doing the little work you did D, also helps temp curb hunger pang issues.

go in and eat something HEALTHY, you got chickens USE THEM !! breakfast, eat some eggs, throw some cheese on them, YUM. If you grow veggies, make a western omlette, peppers, onions, garlic, some spices. Big fat western omlette, plenty of food, awesome vit amins and nutrients, Not so bad on the calories. first few days, you'll gorge 3 of these if you let yourself, BUT after a week of weaning, one of those will quite fill you. might even save last 1/3 of it you did not eat for your lunch snack.

I could go on for pages through the day, i need to shut up.
Eat good food
Eat sparingly, which means what you Do eat make it GOOD and make it COUNT.
EXERCISE, whether it be.. well... exercise, or doing actual WORK on something.

The bottom line is, if you want to lose weight.
I don't care HOW you count them, what BS fad, diet, theory, system, etc you decide to follow, for whatEVER reasons you convinced yourself of.

To lose weight you need to BURN and POOP OUT, more calories than you Take IN.

Don't rely on the poop, it is NOT that simple, grow up, your fat ass is going to have to exercise.. be honest with yourself! There is no magic pill, there is no magic system, or diet, or Dr. Schmuck's super you lose weight while I gain money selling you crap!! it's tough admitting you are overweight, but you HAVE to if you want to get healthy. If you are not willing to flat out STARVE yourself and eat NO calories, (which probably is not too healthy in itself) then the only other way to safely lose those calories that are already attached to you is burn them off, meaning Work and / or Exercise.

After you get over the initial 'starvation - transition' of starting your healthier eating AND burning routine, you will find that you are going to start losing weight consistently, and feel BETTER for it too! All that money you are saving by NOT buying hundreds of dollars of twinkies and crap to shove down your maw. Go on a trip, Buy that new dress you wanted, (which is probably cheaper now because instead of XXXXL you can buy a regular size,) which will make you feel even BETTER, because it is proof for the WORLD to see, all the hard work you put into making yourself better, paid off !! The guys can look down and actually see their TOES, not their stretched out sports team on overstressed cotton t shirt material.

One final trick i have tried that seems to work, I make a spice rub that I rub on steaks when I grill / smoke them. it has some pepper, not a lot, but DOES have a lot of other goodies, Ill throw something sweet ish tasting in there like maybe a touch of maple sugar or fenugreek, put some on the top of my hand and lick it. That spice blast in the mouth plus the little sugar boost, can often help you get over the hunger humps that can hit you.

Ugh, way too much verbage, take what you want from it.

Workout routines updated daily here:
Conan Pose How to Video hahahahah

Day 1 Arms
Day 2 Inner Thighs
Day 3 Abs
Day 4 Arms
Day 5 11 minutes
Day 6 Ab ideas
Day 7 Booty

Week 2
Day 8 Arms
Day 9 Abs
Day 10 10 minutes
Day 11 more abs
Day 12 yoga
Day 13 Abs
Day 14 Arms

Week 3
Day 15 Arm with weights
Day 16 Thighs
Day 17 and repeat of day 11
Day 18 pick any of the above.
Day 19 arms hard for me w/weights + day 11
Day 20 Yoga plus one from above
Day 21 Booty plus

Week 4
Day 22 7 min arms
Day 23 Inner thigh burn
Day 24 Abs plus another day

Day 26 1st video
Day 27 abs
Day 28 abs plus
Sunday stretch

Week 5
Day 29 abs
Day 30 Step it up
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Thank you for the new thread, yah I went a bit overboard on that one, but it's something that we ALL should think about NOW, and NOT after we had a heart attack.

I mean lets put it this way.
WHY do you feed your chickens layer feed, this and that, and fret over all the goofy stuff we DO fret over with them!! It's a lot of work, why do we do it?

Because we want them to be HEALTHY, we want them to perform well, we want them to BE well and want them to live a long time and be with us for a while.

If we are going to do this for our chickens? then WHY can't we do this for OURSELVES TOO !!

If you die, who's going to take care of them and give them the TLC like you do? Don't figure that one out the hard way !!

Thank you for the new thread, yah I went a bit overboard on that one, but it's something that we ALL should think about NOW, and NOT after we had a heart attack.

I mean lets put it this way.
WHY do you feed your chickens layer feed, this and that, and fret over all the goofy stuff we DO fret over with them!! It's a lot of work, why do we do it?

Because we want them to be HEALTHY, we want them to perform well, we want them to BE well and want them to live a long time and be with us for a while.

If we are going to do this for our chickens? then WHY can't we do this for OURSELVES TOO !!

If you die, who's going to take care of them and give them the TLC like you do? Don't figure that one out the hard way !!

I agree with you.
People need to wake up and learn that everything is not easy... Before they don't have a choice.
You don't have to spend a lot of money either.
I am not going to throw thousands of dollars into weight sets and stuff like that.

I got a cheap, you can probably find them at a pawn shop for 40 dollars. Get a push mower, and push mow your lawn if you are able.

That right there is a LOT of exercise, it is low impact, unlike running it is not slamming your knees, ankles etc, and works out a lot of your muscles. (Just make sure you drink a lot of water any time you do any kind of work so you dont dehydrate)

The benefit is you get mulch for your gardens. if you got a lot of weeds / crabgrass / chickweed, the girls will LOVE it when you throw it in their coop. Put it in their run area kind of like bedding. They get a healthy snack, you get free mulch and may save some money on the hay / shavings, etc you might otherwise be tossing down. Each situation is different, make it work for YOU!

It is important for a person to monitor their weight and keep it at a healthy number, but it can be quite harmful to promote obsessive interest in it. A person should not be pressured into assuming that they must loose weight and certainly shouldn't be thinking about it all the time! I would say that doing so is even more unhealthy for a person than not caring. However it doesn't hurt to make a healthy habit of exercise, as long as you keep in mind that your body is beautiful no matter how much you weigh.
Day 1.
20 each arm each exercise.

I am going to use a 10 lb weight.

You can use a can of soup.

I don't care if you do 20 at once or if it takes you all day to do 20 just do 20.


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Today I start with a ten pound hand weight.
I will do 20 of these things and 20 of these things and then 20 of these.
I'll find pictures of what I'm talking about ASAP.
1 gallon of water is 8.34 pounds. Don't buy weights, fill a gallon jug up and lift it. Put a 5# bag of flour in a bag and lift it, if you want lighter and less wet.

2 bags of flour is 10#.

I will walk around the yard behind a lawn mower for 2 hours per week. And chicken chores. I don't see how you have time for exercising.
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