Double crested indian runner Duckling

Muscovy Wunda

Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 5, 2018
Central West NSW Australia
Sooo I wanted to share with you all my beautiful 3week old indian runner duckling, who I knew was crested, but on inspection today, discovered two seperate bumps under that fluff. Essentially double crested. (Newborn pic first, then 2 from today)
Okay so now a question for a breeders point: what are the cons, if any of a double crest?
I wouldn’t breed the little one to another crested. They can have neurological problems the size of the crest matters. And if female can suffer from having injury to that area from a drake. But all that aside that is one adorable duckling. :love I love my Runners I am so blessed to have them in my flock I have 9 now and you know the saying Runners are like potato chips you can never have too many!!(didn’t someone say that?):p
I wouldn’t breed the little one to another crested. They can have neurological problems the size of the crest matters. And if female can suffer from having injury to that area from a drake. But all that aside that is one adorable duckling. :love I love my Runners I am so blessed to have them in my flock I have 9 now and you know the saying Runners are like potato chips you can never have too many!!(didn’t someone say that?):p
Same with me! If that little one is a girl be very watchful if there is a drake mating her, actually girls will try to mate each other too. If they pull on that little poof it will be bad.

Oh, and Lay's potato chips, "bettcha can't eat just one"! Those were from the good ole' days!
I saw a few times people say don't breed crested to crested, so it's good to know why thanks! The breeding part worries me, I can see the bottom one getting hurt. I'm down to 3 runner ducklings from 5, they were sensitive to hatch too compared to the pekins. But I still want an army so I will get some more, bigger ones

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