Double yolk eggs? Specific breed of hen?


12 Years
Feb 15, 2008
A friend recently asked me if double yolked eggs came from a specific breed of chicken. Ummm......I really don't know. Are some breeds more likely to lay double yolks?
It's just a glitch in the reproductive tract, much like how humans can have fraternal twins. There's not really one breed or another that is more prone to it, however, can be a genetic trait.
I think it has more to do with the individual line. A related group of chickens could be more or less likely to lay them so if you order several of the same breed from the same place or person you could get a bunch of that breed that lays double yolkers. You could also have several people order the same breed from the same hatchery and end up with more double yolkers so it appears that breed lays more. If you order the same breed from another place or person though you might never see one. I don't think any particular breed as a whole is more likely and even if they are we really don't have enough information to prove it. Too many variables and not enough people who could keep detailed enough info on their chickens.
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My only Leghorn is the only one (of 7 pullets) who regularly - once a week or so - lays a double yolker.

All the girls lay by noon except on double-yolk days, when she doesn't lay until 2 or 3 pm. Guess she's working up the strength - those are big eggs!

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