Dozen Buff orpington eggs $25 from Jodys lines!

How long will you be selling them? My bators are all full right now, the next opening is around April 1st. Can I order some a few days before that?
all four of my girls lay a day sometimes even twice a day and they lay more then any chicken I have! hence why i'm being over run with eggs. I sure will have some in april.
Oh and the other day I caught my rooster in the nest with a hen and I made him get out
Maybe thats why i've been getting 5-6 eggs a day from four hens I was like HEY get out of there you before you step on the eggs and he jumped out and ran outside... he was comfy sitting beside her though like he really belonged there

I am going to add... These are PURE no other bird are near my buff orps and they are seperate to them selves in their own house. four hens and two roosters.
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The first picture is my roo then I have another roo just like him to the T!

I will put you on the list but please PM me when you are ready.
Aww those are beauties! Are they sweet friendly birds as well? Or ofcourse you are not gonna say mean but some are just birds that are beautiful and independent. Do they like being picked up?
I may want some in a month too! Gonna subscribe to the thread so I can remember

My guys love being picked up! when I come inside the house they all run to the door and they beg.. I have two baby goats in their house due to it being so large and a large yard on it so three times a day I bottle feed my goats and everytime I do all my girls and boys run in and sit all around me and the goats and I bottle feed all of them LOL they love goats milk very much! spoild things! you can see in my pictures of them that some pictures are of them laying down... thats because they were so calm and relaxed I could not actually get them to stand up for me it took me a while to get maxie to stay standing up for me! theres no running to catch any birds that I have. They follow me and come back when I call them I let them out in rotation so that they are not out at night or get impure. heck my turkeys are so laid back and gentle and love to be picked up they will actually try to follow the car down the road when I try to go to work.

I just play with them all the time when they are babies and they all have names and I can tell which are which and I love and play with them daily.
Sometimes it gets hard to walk in my chicken houses because they all swarm me and jump up and down like ME NEXT ME NEXT
Wow that is awesome! I have 1 BO hen from hatchery that I am selling that I am a little sad over since she is so nice but I told myself I would get more 1 day and they will be just as nice and will be the kind I want. ( better bred, larger, non hatchery type)

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