Dr. Z. saved my girl!

thanks! I checked on her several times today plus I was in the coop working and I didn't see one bit of animosity. She just went around her business like she hadn't been gone a week and everyone else treated her as such. Maybe she is the empress of the flock! She is sure pretty enough!
thats great! my buff orpington rosey had to have a egg cut out. it didnt come out the vent. it came out under the vent. it was hanging on her bottom inside the skin so it had to be cut out. my vet cut the egg out i am assuming he stitched up where he cut. dont a purse string on her vent to keep her from prolapseing took the stitches out for 40$. she had already had a antibiotic shot on monday by another vet that i didnt reall ycare for. so i took her to this one. anyway she didnt need another shot. but i thought that was a wonderful price for all he did.

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