Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Did I ever tell you that my dad's name was also Jim (in addition to my Jim and my sister's husband Jim)? We always said that if Dad didn't have a particular tool, he'd make one. That's how a big, old steel drum got transformed into a snow blade for the tractor. Your story about "making" a tool you needed brought a smile to my face. Hope the glue works today!

Despite the fact that there is likely nothing at all that I need there, I am planning to go to an auction in Humboldt today and see what I might waste some money buying.
I LOVE auctions! Have fun!!
Thanks! I love them more than I should. The auction house is two towns and more than 30 miles away. The auctioneer doesn't need for me to hold up my number; he just calls out my first name when I am the winning bidder. That SHOULD tell me something, huh?

I just don't like the ones where they put together like two estate sales into one. I'll find lots of stuff I'd love to bid on, but it will take hours for them to get to whatever it is. I don't wait that long.
Barb, my first tractor was a Ford 8n.
I split a galvanized water boiler tank and made a snow blade/bucket for it..
We Jims think alike..
It is not beneath my dignity to grind a screwdriver into a narrow chisel .. I made a steel bracket to hold my 36" cord weed blade for sharpening.. I also built a cord wood saw for my tractor..
On Ollie, I designed the hydraulic pump to hook onto the front of the engine and the reservoir tanks to hold the hyd. fluid.
I enjoy making jigs and fixtures..
Enabler note: money spent at an auction
is not wasted.. it is written off as entertainment..
I was at a crowded auction once. I was in the back of the crowd.I bid on a drywall lift only to find out that I bought a welding cart with all the hoses and nozzles.. I kept it for years and finally gave it to a kid who was getting into welding..
at another auction,, I was with a guy who wanted two small stained glass windows.
He had to go to the rest room and told me to bid for him. I bid, and I won.. $37.oo... He came back and told me that was too much and he didn't want them..
So I kept them for years. then sold them to my brother when he went into a restaurant.. when he quit the restaurant, he gave me the windows back.. a while later I sold them again..
My DH is named Jim too! And he’s very clever, he can fix anything!!!
One time years and years ago a family with 5 children moved in across the street. The mother was an overworked waitress and the father was sort of a ne’er do well. They were constantly asking to borrow things. One morning one of the kids came over with an empty bowl and asked for some cereal. We all felt sorry for them but got sick of them just the same, their last name started with a B but they came to be known as the Borrowitzes.
One day my Jim was on his way home from work and saw their car on the side of the road with a flat tire. He said his Catholic guilt made him stop, take the tire off, have it repaired and put back on. As fast as he could so they wouldn’t know who had done it. :gig It’s funny I’ve never known a bad Jim!
LOVE the neighbors' nickname, and, your Jim's Catholic guilt! Mine left the church at a young age and was IMPOSSIBLE to guilt into anything, darn it!

Using all the self control I could muster at today's auction, I only bought a large shepherd's hook for $3, two books at $1 each, and two boxes of assorted stuff -- for a grand total of $21! One of the items was a shiny, new non-stick waffle maker, and yes, I already had a waffle maker -- but this one looks way cooler and came in a box with a goose-shaped cookie jar that I really wanted.
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