Dry Hatching Cortunix Quails

The green gunk in the eggs might have been the green listerine and water mixd i sprayed the eggs with at the start. Im thinking this time would it be better not to spray the eggs with anything except maybe just some water.
Ok did the math Incubator holds 56 eggs. So I had 55 eggs.
I removed 22 infertiles before incubation, but still 13 i overlooked.

So this is the math

Eggs through mail
Total 24
22 Infertile
1 Fully developed didnt hatch
1 Hatched but died cause had a Haemphobia that got pecked open and bled to death

Eggs from my own stock
Total 32
15 Infertile
14 Fully developed chicks
5 Hatched (1 had a Haemphobe but under control and growing and looks healthy now)

So basically I have 2 roosters and 6 hens in an outdoor aviary
So that is 19/34 fertility. Is that a good ratio or should i add another rooster.

  • Definitley next time i will not be using Listerine to spray any eggs.
  • I will not be buying through mail ever again, its better to just buy the adult colors i want and then breed them.
  • Im inconclusive if the dry hatch vs the normal hatch made a big difference.
  • 6 of 21 fertile hatched.
  • I think having the temperature at 38.1 instead of 37.5 made the chics grow too big for the shells so may not have been a good idea.

I think its almost time to set another round of birds.

I have two rather placid roosters in my other cage, the other week i culled 3 who were just super aggressive, 2 very difficult to identify colors. What if i have 3 roosters to 6 hens?
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5 Little Dinosaurs running round the brooder now. Green gunk in 3 eggs was from rinsing eggs in listerine. I think next time not to worry about cleaning the eggs before setting.
Did the green gunk possibly look like mold? I have had eggs with colored gunk inside because bacteria got into the eggs, or mold started growing. To prevent that I usually deepclean the incubator with bleach solution in between hatches, and only set eggs that are clean (no poop or other contaminants on the shell).
It looked more like green liquid, like the listerine get into the eggs. Some of the eggs had brown goo which was more likely bacteria. I did some reading and think its better not to clean eggs at all putting them in the incubator as it can make things worse. Removing protective liner of eggs.

Im wondering also how to calculate incubator power usage. Its an 80w incubator

So i had 80w x 24 hours x 21 days = 40,320 watts or 40.32 k/w? which comes out to around $10.88 per incubation. ???
It looked more like green liquid, like the listerine get into the eggs. Some of the eggs had brown goo which was more likely bacteria. I did some reading and think its better not to clean eggs at all putting them in the incubator as it can make things worse. Removing protective liner of eggs.

Im wondering also how to calculate incubator power usage. Its an 80w incubator

So i had 80w x 24 hours x 21 days = 40,320 watts or 40.32 k/w? which comes out to around $10.88 per incubation. ???
I don't see how listerine could of gotten inside the eggs though? I think they probably started to develop but died pretty fast, so inside turned green but was so little formed it was liquidy. I've seen this happen in chicken eggs anyway...
I'm glad your little five dinos are doing good, what a cute thing to call them :)
I don't sanitize eggs but just avoid putting any in that look too mangy. So far that's worked for me, but certainly commercial hatchers sanitize. If I were to do it, I would use peroxide. This is another of those questions that ten people will have eleven different opinions about.
I agree that you would have had to soak them a long time to get any listerine inside those eggs. More likely mould or bacteria.
As well as cleaning the incubator you should wash your hands and make sure where you store eggs is very clean.
It looked more like green liquid, like the listerine get into the eggs. Some of the eggs had brown goo which was more likely bacteria. I did some reading and think its better not to clean eggs at all putting them in the incubator as it can make things worse. Removing protective liner of eggs.

Im wondering also how to calculate incubator power usage. Its an 80w incubator

So i had 80w x 24 hours x 21 days = 40,320 watts or 40.32 k/w? which comes out to around $10.88 per incubation. ???
So I kept forgetting to update, 15 endef up hatching and living.

after I got new batteries put in my lux pro flashlight I could see through the eggs as good as chicken eggs, 40 were completely clear, 42 fertile that made it to last week, 2 fertile died after barely starting.

So they start pipping a few days ago, 10 or 11 came out right away, there were 10 or so that had pipped and died, I waited, then another pile pipped and died, time had passed so I looked and candled the rest, some had internally pipped and died , some had externally pipped and died. 18 hatched, 6 with help, 3 had unclosed belly buttons, 1 died on its own and the other two I let struggle for a few hours but we're getting worse so I had to put them out of their misery :(
So now I have 15, they are all doing good.

I lost 27 that either died after internally pipping or externally, the majority! I have never had such a high death rate! It was too sad. I did eggtopsies to try and see what went wrong, 90 percent of them had an almost neon green infection in the egg yolks! And hadn't quite finished absorbing the egg yolks either,. (Is this called mushy chicks?)
The eggs were rather dirty, I brushed them off as best I could but didn't spray them with listerine or alcohol or anything. I guess I should have.

So between half being infertile duds and then over half of the infertile dying, it was very disappointing.
Out of 84 eggs I got 15. Ugh! I will not be buying from this seller again, way too many infertile and eggs too dirty.

Very inconclusive on if the dry hatch had anything to do with it, they pipped fine and those healthy ones zipped fine, I think the high death rate was from dirty eggs, and a tendency for the temp to be high, this lousy 106 degree weather makes it very hard to keep the temps low enough, several times in the last week incubator got to 103, 104.

so I'm not going to try any more eggs until the fall, plus I will be carefully bleaching out my incubator so no poisonous bacteria remains.

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