Dual purpose carcass pics


Hopelessly Addicted
Jun 18, 2010
Southern Oregon
Folks are always wondering what their non-meat bird roosters are going to look like, so I thought I'd post pics of my last batch. We processed four roosters, they were all around 8 months old. One was a Rock/Wyandotte mix, the others were Rock/Leghorn/EE mixes....I breed for egg production, hence the Leghorn blood. It made the carcasses a little lighter, but you still get the picture. I didn't weigh any of them but included a diet Coke can for scale

We butchered and put the bird in the pressure cooker right away, about 40 minutes and he was done. Cooled, pulled all the meat, and got a light quart bag of boneless meat per bird. Only 2 bags, though...one bird got turned into chicken salad and eaten for lunch, the other became enchiladas and was dinner

Anyone else with carcass pics?
Folks are always wondering what their non-meat bird roosters are going to look like, so I thought I'd post pics of my last batch. We processed four roosters, they were all around 8 months old. One was a Rock/Wyandotte mix, the others were Rock/Leghorn/EE mixes....I breed for egg production, hence the Leghorn blood. It made the carcasses a little lighter, but you still get the picture. I didn't weigh any of them but included a diet Coke can for scale

We butchered and put the bird in the pressure cooker right away, about 40 minutes and he was done. Cooled, pulled all the meat, and got a light quart bag of boneless meat per bird. Only 2 bags, though...one bird got turned into chicken salad and eaten for lunch, the other became enchiladas and was dinner

Anyone else with carcass pics?
Those look great! I ground the last roosters I processed, then packed the meat in pint jars with a little salt and pressure canned it. It makes great chili/tacos, etc. I didn't make any pictures though. I pressure cooked the rest of each carcass and made some awesome stock!
They just don't look quite like the "chicken" you can buy at the grocery store, do they?
Thanks for sharing!
That dark meat on the legs and thighs is what makes it look really different doesn't it? Cause it's not a baby like the CX.
That dark meat on the legs and thighs is what makes it look really different doesn't it? Cause it's not a baby like the CX.
My kids remarked on that...even the white meat on these guys is much darker than CX. We love dark meat here, so they're great for us!
they look pretty good. At least the carcass has some shape to it. Better than some of the supposedly DP birds I have gotten from the hatcheries that are mishaped with severely protruding breast bones and lanky legs out of proportion to the body and with a a body so narrow that it won't even lay flat on the table.

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