D'uccle Thread

Ok here she is....
Her name is fawn

Like I said she had nice wide foot feathers until I had to trim them in this wet muddy winter

Oh, what a sweet face! I love golden necks so much.

Be careful getting TSC D'ucccles...i got 7 D'uccles...only 2 are left. Since i brought them home they were huddled together like they were hypothermic, even having them in the hatcher where it is a constant 90+ degrees they still wanted to be huddled together...the two that are left are always huddled together like their cold. Several also had pasty butt, so either the one from privett/townline are very weak this year or this ones were because of delayed shipping, they arrived to TSC at 3 days old when it was still very cold.

Yes. 4 out of 6 chicks had pasty butt when I brought them home, 2 were completely blocked and while I'm not sure exactly how long that takes to kill them, I can't imagine it is very long. The employee commented on it but did not seem to care. All of them have since struggled with it. According to guesses in this thread (I haven't had d'Uccles before and wasn't sure) mine were close to or about a week old. I think that may have helped the survival rate, as they had to have survived that long already under what seems to have been very poor care. 6 days later they are still hanging in there, though there's one little one that I'm still particularly worried about. Some of them are still struggling with the pasty butt, is that normal? I've never actually had this issue with chicks before. I keep them clean multiple times a day, I've tried a tiny bit of vaseline. They only eat the chick starter that my other chicks have used before. And I have probiotics in their water.
Ok here she is.... Her name is fawn Like I said she had nice wide foot feathers until I had to trim them in this wet muddy winter
Oh, what a sweet face! I love golden necks so much.
Be careful getting TSC D'ucccles...i got 7 D'uccles...only 2 are left. Since i brought them home they were huddled together like they were hypothermic, even having them in the hatcher where it is a constant 90+ degrees they still wanted to be huddled together...the two that are left are always huddled together like their cold. Several also had pasty butt, so either the one from privett/townline are very weak this year or this ones were because of delayed shipping, they arrived to TSC at 3 days old when it was still very cold.
Yes. 4 out of 6 chicks had pasty butt when I brought them home, 2 were completely blocked and while I'm not sure exactly how long that takes to kill them, I can't imagine it is very long. The employee commented on it but did not seem to care. All of them have since struggled with it. According to guesses in this thread (I haven't had d'Uccles before and wasn't sure) mine were close to or about a week old. I think that may have helped the survival rate, as they had to have survived that long already under what seems to have been very poor care. 6 days later they are still hanging in there, though there's one little one that I'm still particularly worried about. Some of them are still struggling with the pasty butt, is that normal? I've never actually had this issue with chicks before. I keep them clean multiple times a day, I've tried a tiny bit of vaseline. They only eat the chick starter that my other chicks have used before. And I have probiotics in their water.
I'm not sure if pto longed pasty butt is normal, it's prob just fro poor care from tcs. If you have one a little weaker then the others you can try scrambling up an egg and sprinkling a little start and grow on top and hopefully she eats. The scrambled egg us an excellent source of natural vitamins.
I'm not sure if pto longed pasty butt is normal, it's prob just fro poor care from tcs. If you have one a little weaker then the others you can try scrambling up an egg and sprinkling a little start and grow on top and hopefully she eats. The scrambled egg us an excellent source of natural vitamins.
There's definitely been a lot of improvement in the past six days so hopefully it continues. :)

People get very weirded out when they hear I give my under the weather chickens eggs! Last year I saved a chick with failure to thrive by feeding her hard boiled yolk every day. It's very good for them.

This is young Frankie, she was one of the two who was completely pasted shut. She is also the smallest of the lot. She's doing really well so far, such a feisty little one. I have my fingers crossed that she turns out to be a pullet.
I'm not sure if pto longed pasty butt is normal, it's prob just fro poor care from tcs. If you have one a little weaker then the others you can try scrambling up an egg and sprinkling a little start and grow on top and hopefully she eats. The scrambled egg us an excellent source of natural vitamins.
There's definitely been a lot of improvement in the past six days so hopefully it continues. :) People get very weirded out when they hear I give my under the weather chickens eggs! Last year I saved a chick with failure to thrive by feeding her hard boiled yolk every day. It's very good for them. This is young Frankie, she was one of the two who was completely pasted shut. She is also the smallest of the lot. She's doing really well so far, such a feisty little one. I have my fingers crossed that she turns out to be a pullet.
Sooo cute!!!! My mom thinks it weird too, I took a sick little chick with me to visit my mom this weekend and when I scrambled up an egg and gave it to the chick my mom was so weirded out. I told her the egg had not been fertilized so the chick wasn't eating a potential baby chick....lol, but yes they are very good for them. I do glad your are getting better
Sooo cute!!!!
My mom thinks it weird too, I took a sick little chick with me to visit my mom this weekend and when I scrambled up an egg and gave it to the chick my mom was so weirded out. I told her the egg had not been fertilized so the chick wasn't eating a potential baby chick....lol, but yes they are very good for them. I do glad your are getting better

There's definitely been a lot of improvement in the past six days so hopefully it continues. :)

People get very weirded out when they hear I give my under the weather chickens eggs! Last year I saved a chick with failure to thrive by feeding her hard boiled yolk every day. It's very good for them.

This is young Frankie, she was one of the two who was completely pasted shut. She is also the smallest of the lot. She's doing really well so far, such a feisty little one. I have my fingers crossed that she turns out to be a pullet.
i pulled clears last night so i am planning on boiling and mashing them for the chickens...i guess its a good idea to give some to the chicks too.
So i'm sitting at work and Trexroo tells me that one of the two remaining TSC D'uccle chicks is a frizzle

Michigan TSc only get chicks from Privett and Townline.....so either i have a frizzle cochin from privett or they have some odd d'uccle's in their stock. i have to look at the chick more closely when i get home but last time i looked if it is the one i think it is the feathers were comming in buff/gold with black spots as a MF would so very interesting.

The only hatchery for TSC offering frizzle is Privett, the color options are Black, Buff or White so if the chick is cochin the only possible color would be buff. Which could be good and bad because i have bantam buff frizzle cochins already from a local source but new blood i guess.
Hello everyone, I'm sad to say I've lost my beautiful porcelain roo and now my girls are lonely so I was wondering if anyone has hatching eggs or a surplus cockerel hanging around that I might be able to purchase or trade for ?
I got 2 chicks at TSC from bantam bin thinking they were Sebrights. But turns out they may infact be D'uccle? Anythign you can tell me about the breed? Or the "colors" That I have? They are feathered legged so I know no Sebrights. the two in the back. middle and right. you can see the feathers coming in. They are 1 week old or so.

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