D'uccle Thread


check it out!!!!

i got a rare sport hatch out. sorry for bad picks, only cell phone camera works. i have only seen 1 like it before from a photo from australia. here is a

only one area of pigment and it is the full mille fleur colours, the rest is white. now all i have to do is get it to survive to breeding age.
:yiipchick :yiipchick :yiipchick check it out!!!! i got a rare sport hatch out. sorry for bad picks, only cell phone camera works. i have only seen 1 like it before from a photo from australia. here is a

only one area of pigment and it is the full mille fleur colours, the rest is white. now all i have to do is get it to survive to breeding age.
Really cool bird! If you don't mind me asking, what are they supposed to look like as adults?
Really cool bird!
If you don't mind me asking, what are they supposed to look like as adults?
which 'supposed'? the normal colour is millie fleur -but a piebald is like a paint horse, so white areas with islands of the original pigment. this one only has the one area on the head, so that one patch will have the mille fleur pattern and the rest will be solid white..or as white as you can keep them in a coop. i have other colours i am actively working on right now but this one was a 'sport', i have no idea how it got the pattern.
which 'supposed'? the normal colour is millie fleur -but a piebald is like a paint horse, so white areas with islands of the original pigment. this one only has the one area on the head, so that one patch will have the mille fleur pattern and the rest will be solid white..or as white as you can keep them in a coop. i have other colours i am actively working on right now but this one was a 'sport', i have no idea how it got the pattern.

Oh, thanks. It's interesting what can pop up sometimes.
This is one of my duccle mottled chicks pretty sure he is a cockerel. He's three weeks. Can anyone tell me if he is BQ SQ or PQ
Here are some updated pics of my babies. People wanted to see what the first chick looked like as he got older so i posted a chick pic and a recent teenage pic.
BumbleBee 1 day

Bumblebee 3 months

Raven, an accidental D'Anver D'uccle cross. I didn't keep the pairs separate long enough before egg collection, but I love her!




This is romeo. I just wanted to share him. Unfortunately he was killed protecting his ladies from a 30+ lb racoon 2 nights ago. He was very personable for a rooster. I loved him very much....never had a roo like him. I cant say enough about D'uccles very sweet dispositions not to mention beautiful!

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