D'uccle Thread

Awwww, pretty neat looking Kids! I don't have eggs but wanted to comment on your kiddos- nice!!!

Thank you they are so funny when waking, like they are having a wedding.
I have young hens that can fly 8 feet up and perch on the roof of their coop. They can't fly as well when they're older and fill out. But generally, with the 6 foot fencing they don't try to fly over it. (yet)

mstricer, I love the feathers on your boy's feet! Someone else mentioned theirs tend to pick off their foot feathers, I think my older gents do that too!
I needed that laugh tonight Gypsy. Thanks
Hope your not too snowed in.
OK fellow d'Uccle lovers. I am looking to buy some more eggs to hatch for the Easter hatch. Can anyone help me out? The lastest day they need to be to me is March 31, so I can set them by April 1. ANy colors are good with me! Send me a PM and let me know how many and how much. Thanks!!!
I am back.

We had almost a foot of snow yesterday. Going to the coops last night and this morning was a bit of a chore. one coop this morning I opened the poop door and the hens came to the door and looked out then went back inside. I looked in the runn and it has over a foot of snow. So I guess they did not want to see how well the foot feathers work as snowshoes.

Our D's can fly really well.
We had one hen get away from my daughter last fall and it flew over 100 ft to the edge of the creek. We spent anouther 2 hours looking for her as she hunkered down in the brown grass. The pattern on the Mille's is very effective camoflage.
Speckled, our first winter with d'Uccles we had a hen get scared and fly straight up. She flew so high that 6' tall DH couldn't reach her with the handle of a rake, and finally had to toss the rake into the air to knock her out of the tree. She was about 13-15 feet up on a slender branch.

Before we found her up in the tree we were looking through fallen leaves speckled with snow for the silly millie. Talk about blending into your environment! We'd never have found her if she hadn't started chortling at us. After having BO's and EE's we never thought to look UP for the silly girl!

Cathunter, it will seem like it takes forever for them to grow up and start laying. Plan on it taking 6 months and you MIGHT be pleasantly surprised if/when they start laying 'early'.

AC, wish I could help you out! But I am getting very few eggs so far and the dreaded 's' on the way tonight and the cold temps next week are not going to help me get more eggs from my girls

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