D'uccle Thread

What a pretty boy!
Very nice little flock of girls too!

With your Mille chicks, are all the striped ones male? They are a beautiful little bunch! Can't wait until I get chicks from my milles!

Thanks! I now have a flock each of black, self-blue and mille fleur. So I did hit one breeding goal lol.

Nope, I've found no correlation between chick color and gender in the millies. Luckily they tend to be easily sexed at about 4 weeks.
It will get there, I am sure! The people currently handling the processing of checks and memberships no longer have chickens and are on the verge of 'retiring' from the club. I think I'm taking over the position in January....

That's what Karl and I discussed on Saturday, anyway!

I have a flock of lovely black d'Uccle pullets that won at Crossroads against a long-time breeder. On Saturday I talked him into trading me his black cockeral. He is currently falling in love with his new flock and I hope to hatch some chicks in about 7-8 weeks!

I need to take and post some pics. He's gorgeous, and smaller that my previous black roo. Really nice form, too.....

Hot diggidity! I can't wait to see him! This is a very nice variety that would be nice to see at shows.
Look at that face! Look at those eyes! So attractive. She is a super MF colored d'Uccle!

Did you get her after going out to CO or did she move with you?
He is magnificent! I just know you will get some wonderful offspring from him. Congrats on a great new addition and good luck on hatching out a lot of pullets!
I have a Black D'Uccle Hen. However, I don't have a roo to go with her. She is a very sweet girl.


Oh my, Lynne! She is lovely! I do enjoy a black bird with pose and personality. She is a real looker and I see her cuteness just shinning through!

Thanks so much, Amy. She is 6 years old so her foot feathering is not as nice as it once was. She runs on sand & DG so it does take it's toll on feet
I have had her in with a Black Mottled roo for a few years but she always throws Black Mottled. Maybe 2012 will be her year for Black babies
I have a question. I had a porcelain pair I hatched from eggs that I bought from reputable breedera breeder. I was fortunate to have gotten a male and female, and their names were Charlie and Portia. They had just started mating about 3 weeks when my little roo died, and Portia had just started laying about the same time. I had 2 of their eggs & put them under a broody American game I have. Only 1 hatched, and the baby is NOT porcelain. Totally looks mille fleur. No other roosters had gotten to my little pullet, and we had seen Charlie (our porcelain roo) mounting Portia regularly.

How do 2 porcelains throw out a mille fleur baby?

What is also funny is that since her mate died, Portia stopped laying. I think she laid maybe 1 egg after Charlie died & then stopped. Lately, though, she's been hanging out with a cuckoo silkie roo. I need to find her a new "husband" to replace Charlie. I almost wish she would lay an egg after being mounted by the silkie roo, just so I could hatch one out and see what we get.
THanks Amy
We hatched her under a broody years ago and she and a couple other pets rode in the back of the truck cab all the way out to CO. THey actually laid eggs the whole way
We had anticipated that it was going to be a hassle travelling with them but they were totally fine, the weather was perfect and it turned out our dog was much more work and management than three banties

We are hoping to breed with Amber as she seems to be a great little hen, certainly personality wise she is awesome. In fact she is our crowing hen too which is hilarious, really needs a roo I'd say! She is feeling the cold and I caved last night and put a heat lamp in the shed where I have our only two hens. It has been SO windy and cold too and there are only the two of them, each in their own cage so they can't snuggle. I found their water totally solid yesterday morning and she looked miserable. THis has got to be a shock to her system after living her whole life in SC! So this morning she looks a little cold but their water was not frozen and I am happier that she is ok now. It has been getting down to about 12 F at night sometimes and that is just too big of a change from SC!

Do you see any faults with Amber? What roo would be good to pair her with to balance her weaknesses, whatever they may be?
Hey Critterrun! I have a better pic of your setup now, I would tarp the side of the run that the prevailing winter wind comes from. THat can be real helpful. It also stops the snow blowing into the run and keeps it clearer so you don't have iced up foot feathers
Otherwise I would just watch them and if they start looking miserable you can always add a light bulb or something like that. Are you giving them a little scratch in the evenings? That is helpful for boosting their metabolism and keeping them warmer overnight...
I have them here in Ontario Canada and have little issue with them. Temps down th -30C
We have a draft free well ventalated coop for them that is unheated.
If it is heated then the power goes out you may have problems.
I mention ventalation as when a chicken brathes they produce a lot of moisture which if not rmoved will cause frostbite on the comes and any wattles( mentioned as this goes for all breads).
We provide water 2X a day and pull the waterer's in at night to ensure they are thawed for morning.
We have only had frost bite on one and that was because he refused to go in at night and as they don't tuck thier heads in like the hens.
Our runs are covered on the top and on the Windward side.
We also had a free running water hose from coop to coop last year from the well overflow ( to dry this year). THis reduced the watering chores alot.

Our D'Uccles will go in and out all day. If they get cold they will go in out of the wind.

Here are some pictures.





and our Lemon roo at - 20C.
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