D'uccle Thread

I'm going to start breeding blue mottled and black mottled d'Uccles this spring and I was wondering do you put the blue mottled in a separate pen and the black mottled in another pen or do you put them all together?

I have a pen of black Mottled in Cochins and I have blue Mottleds pop out every now and then. It isn't a big concern for me and I used to get rid of them all but now found that adding them to my Frizzle pen is a good idea.
As long as your conformation is there you can cross them all you want. Unless you definitely want just blue Mottleds or just black Mottleds it is fine to cross them up.
Hey Teddiliza, thanks for the kind words about Amber
I wish I could remember who I got them from, but it was so long ago and so much has happened. I got the d'Uccles with some bantam cochins hatching eggs (to fill up a dozen for hatching) ... turned out the cochins were awful, mean little buggers and not even nice looking! I was totally focused on the cochins and when they turned out bad I just deleted the messages and info.
That is a good idea about the plastic on their cages. We are supposed to get some wind again on Friday so may do that then. RIght now there are so many mice in the shed I am somewhat creeped out going in there. I am not usually worried by mice but these are so bold and just run all over in full view. I am having to put lots of cayenne pepper in the birds feed bowls otherwise it is gone in a few hours. We have got 6 mice so far and there are MANY more just waiting to get caught... we are making a couple of cages tomorrow am that will have hardware cloth all round and hopefully the birds will have some peace from the mice then. Am also going to be moving the chicks out there soon - will have to do the same for them.
I put 13 eggs from my birds in the incubator on Saturday and 12 of them have good veins!
I am so excited-my birds were laying at 5 1/2 months-is that normal for d'Uccles?

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