D'uccle Thread

Dang...its GODZILLA....lol!!!
Here are some self blue chicks from a couple years ago, they are 3 weks old.

or go back a few pages and you will see a self blue chick from this year.
So is the chick on the left a cockerel? I have two 2 week old(in addition to my known pullet, Waffles) and they look pretty similar to how she did...tiny little yellow combs. I was hoping for a cockerel out of the two new ones. They look like the one on the right in this pic.
You wanted pics of my baby.. well here she is.. Ill post some more in another week or two to get y'alls opinion on whether shes really a she.

She barely has any comb at all. Really hoping that means shes a she.

Excuse the dirty feet. She lives with 4 ducks for now and they keep me on my toes as far as cleaning the brooder goes lol

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