D'uccle Thread

i got a question about blue D'uccles-i got mine from Ideal, and I'm not impressed in their quality-infact 1 of the 4 is actually a booted bantam, but that is beside the point I am asking, I am wondering about the tails on the blues. many of the photos on line i see look similar to mine -the tail feathers look less straight than my other duccles-they seem to be somewhat rounded-almost looking cochin like. is this a byproduct of the colour (normal?) or ???
Hatcheries often produce unreliable crosses. I had one cochin that was gorgeous, but the fair judge told me she was really part Silkie (no visible clues though, except extra soft feathers). I have been impressed with my Porcelains from Murray McMurray, but when I tried to get a Millie Fleur, I ended up with a Booted Bantam.

I think you just take your chances not buying from a breeder. My d'Uccles from McMurray are very pretty and sweet, but they aren't really the quality for a big show (except one who turned out really nice). Some that you get will be nice purebreds, and others are weird crosses.
i try and get from breeders but for now i have had to expand using chicks i bought a tsc and my local farm store. i prefer it this way since i can look at the chicks and determine if they have all the d'uccle chick looks (ex feet color, feathered feet, single combs, and a beard). my avatar is my ideal hatchery cockerel and you can see more pics of him in my albums. my chickens are under going a molt so i cant get updated pics
I read today somewhere that you can tell reall early on these if there roos or not is that true? And would you guys please tell me if these are hens then?
Chick number one
Chick number two
Thanks =)

this really depends on quaility...mine from a breeder you could tell were going to be pullets by 3 weeks but my hatchery babies you could tell my golden neck cockerel early on, my mille as well, but my blue mille didnt really show till almost 10 weeks of age until then i thought he was a she...you can see all them in my d'uccle album.

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