D'uccle Thread

View attachment 1318977 I am finally a d’uccle owner! I love the fancier breeds of chicken. I have been a fancier of d’uccles for a long time now and finally got my hands on some porcelains. I am getting some more varieties later this year. These are hatchery birds and I am well aware they won’t be show material but when I actually decide to start showing I will get some show birds.
VERY adorable! :love There are a few breeders on BYC that breed some nice quality d'Uccles. I'll PM them to you if you want. :)
VERY adorable! :love There are a few breeders on BYC that breed some nice quality d'Uccles. I'll PM them to you if you want. :)
I’m really interested in hatchery at the moment because I just wanna mix varieties and see what comes out from it, and I don’t wanna mess up a good show line by doing that. But I am eventually gonna get into the showing.
I love these cuties!! I have 2 questions since I am very new to this tiny breed.
1. Mine are 7 weeks old and I’m dying to know if I have hens or roosters! I would love your opinions on this since I’d love to try and hatch a few know they start laying. I have 2 Mille Fluer and 2 Mottled.
2. Should I keep them separate from out other flock? We have 16 assorted all living together. 5 Whiting True Blue, 2 Langshan, 2 Fibro, 3 Wyandotte, 1 Australorp, 2 Silkies and a Cemani Rooster. I’m concerned that these chicks are too small to live amongst those larger chicks. Any opinion on that?
At 7 weeks, all those with red combs must be cockerels....My pullet didn't get a comb like that before 7 or 8 months!
My D'Uccle was raised w standard leghorn chicks, they are all one year and get along fine, but the 2 yr hens have always bullied her.
On Saturday I picked up a whole brooder full - 20 Mille Fleur/Porcelain d'Uccle "split tos" that were hatched on 4/2 and 4/3. They were hatched from show stock. They're the friendliest chicks I've brooded so far, aside from my red frizzled bantam cochin cock "Billy the Kid". They hop out of the brooder like pop corn to sit on me! :lau


Can't wait to see how they develop! The guy I got them from is going to grow out a Mille Fleur and a Porcelain cockerel for me so I can bring them back to their seperate colors.
On Saturday I picked up a whole brooder full - 20 Mille Fleur/Porcelain d'Uccle "split tos" that were hatched on 4/2 and 4/3. They were hatched from show stock. They're the friendliest chicks I've brooded so far, aside from my red frizzled bantam cochin cock "Billy the Kid". They hop out of the brooder like pop corn to sit on me! :lau

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Can't wait to see how they develop! The guy I got them from is going to grow out a Mille Fleur and a Porcelain cockerel for me so I can bring them back to their seperate colors.
That's a lot of cuteness. :)
When do they start laying? I have 4 that are about 10 weeks old and I’m so eager for some eggs and possibly chicks!

Overall, chickens don't start laying until around 18 weeks. But.....that's the very earliest and I think it's possible a tad earlier, but not the norm. I keep reading in this thread (and I'm still very early in scrolling through it, that a lot of people say theirs started around 7-8 months. If that gives you any ideas. I know my bantam cochins started around 4-5 months. So it can vary by breed...or even by the line they are from.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong here. :)

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