D'uccle Thread

We are a bite nippy here this morning with base temp at -30C (-22F) with a Wind chill of -37C (-35F).
We had to bring in Citron the Lemon D'Uccle as he was starting to show signs of frostbite on his comb.
We also had to bring in a gold Pheonix rooster for it as well.

Got to love the Rooster crowing at all hours of the night in the room next to the bedroom.
Boy can they startle you out of a dead sleep.

no eggs from the D's since the one last Wed. some to the other breeds are starting to come so it is just a matter of time.
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I cleaned the coops well this weekend and rearranged some birds.

I picked a project boy to go in with the project girls. My oh my was he happy! He's not the one I'd originally planned to put with them. The one I'd been calling 'Keeper' did not have good middle toe feathering, and his foot feathers have too much quill still wrapping the feathers. He had the least amount of extra color, but I decided the foot feathers wins over all right now.
I also set up nexting boxes in the project coop as well. It was nice to see a couple of girls climb in and nestle down right away, testing the boxes. They didn't stay in them, but I think I'll have eggs from them soon

I did move 2 project girls in with a set of millies. That balances each pen better for # of birds. I was expecting pretty bad weather this week, but yesterday was quite nice and we'll get in the 40's again today.

Only the lavender is still laying. But the temps are not going to crash as low as was predicted, so I am hopeful more layers will join the lav!!

Doug, I hate it that you're having to worry about the birds and the extreme temps, but please keep that cold in Canada where it belongs
It's been -3 here in CT so i have been paring chickens up and putting them in my smaller show cages every night and giving them hay as bedding on top of their shavings. Nothin else i can do.
Here is one of our two BB mille fleur d'Uccles. This is Amber my son's favourite bird. SHe is a sweetheart, just recently started crowing again!! Funny girl....


Amber and Pearl together on a jaunt.


I always liked the look of d'Uccles but it wasn't until we were given some eggs to fill up space on an order of hatching eggs that we got to know these birds. They have the sweetest personalities of all the birds we have had. I would love to get some more once we are settled again. They have been wonderful pets for my two kids.
I recently saw one of these birds and fell instantly in lurve with them!

My son recently moved in with some new roommates to a new house, and when we were helping him move, I saw some really, really pretty chickens in the yard of the house next door to theirs. They were GORGEOUS golden/red hens (red stars, maybe??--twas a breed I don't really know that well), but then I saw the GORGEOUS golden rooster chasing the hens and thought, hmm, there's a rooster in that yard... that means fertile eggs....

So, I wanted to go back and check them out again and drove by yesterday (ok, so maybe I'm kinda stalking to see if I can catch the people at home and ask them to sell me some eggs), and lo and behold, there was ALSO a small roo and a few hens that I didn't know what they were but were spotted and gorgeous! I looked online and went through picture after picture of I dunno HOW many breeds of chickens, and here they are!!!

Now that I have found them, I'm going to read through this thread and see if I think this is a breed I would be interested in having. Any thoughts/comments/advice regarding this breed that anyone would like to share? Feel free to PM me. Thanks!

BTW, yes, I am going to go back and stalk that house again until I find the people at home so I can ask them how much they want for fertile eggs. Hahahaha. (See what happens when someone buys you a bator???)
My D'Uccles are about six weeks old now. JoBeth is starting to get her spots, but as you can see, she has no hackle color. One minute she appears blue and one minute black, so I am still undecided about her color. I can see such a difference in these hatchery birds and the ones where someone has paid attention to a standard and strived for a better D'Uccle.


Beau is friendlier than the two pullets at this point. They were able to go out for a bit today till the wind started gusting too much.



I'll give you guys fore warning...if I see Green in one more picture...they best have a guest room for 33 chickens, 2 cats and us! I am so extremely tired of this darned weather. I'm glad we built the brooder/pen on porch, shuffled 4 B.Cochin into smaller area and tonight picking up 5 hens that needed to be re-homed. Glad we have the extra room with pens. No more extra room now.

I keep hoping that my MF girls will begin laying again, but not sure if Humfrey D' knows what to do!

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