Duck Addicts Anonymous (DAA)

Do you have too many ducks?

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I take SO many pictures with plans to share on this thread but I am just not good at taking nice pictures like y'all. So I end up not posting them. Seriously, my pictures look like a toddler took them 😳 I could and do spend so much time looking at the pictures y'all post. When it comes to my own pictures, I'm picking out everything that I hate about the picture and what I should have changed and can't look too long 🤣 I guess it goes right along with the saying "we are our hardest critics". I do need to share pics of my sweeties though, so I'll work on getting some current pictures of the ducks 😁
All you need is a duck in the photo to make it an amazing photo.
Yes I did. 🙂 I just paid pet price, not show price but they are very nice!
Mare, isn't Duck Creek the place that Mr. & Mrs. Holderread's son runs? I remember talking about it while I was fan girling after getting to chat with her😂 But there's a chance I'm mistaken.
@Overo Mare
That's so neat looking! I love blue/Lav, (that color!!! 😂) on all poultry 😍 To be completely honest, it's one of my favorite colors 💜

@Isadora How's handsome Keifer doing? Have you introduced him to the flock?

@WVduckchick and @Overo Mare are y'all supposed to be getting anymore snow from this new storm that's moving through NC tonight and tomorrow? Have y'all thawed from last weekend yet? I know Mare and her 12 inches hasn't thawed yet. How are the ducks handling it? What about the chicken/s?
I’ve always been partial to blues too.

I think we ended up getting about 10-12” earlier in the week. Yesterday was above freezing, so the ducks were out and about a little more. Last night we got another inch or so, and it stayed below freezing today, so they weren’t quite so active. I have noticed that instead of trying to trudge thru the deeper snow, they usually just fly. We won’t get above freezing until next Monday! They aren’t happy, but seem to be coping ok.
Your young terrorist give me goose bumps!
Haha I bet you’ll be happy to know that there is 6 hatched out and 14 more eggs in the incubator… :pop
baby duck GIF

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