Duck Antibiotics? (Prolapsed Penis)

I would get a vet to do the surgery. I have heard about people doing it themselves (just getting scissors and snipping the dying part off) and their drakes were sexually frustrated for the rest of their life. My Bob got 4 out of 5 inches removed by the best avian vet in town. He still jumps on the other females and thinks he is mating he even ejaculates still. I don't recommend doing the surgery yourself there is so much that can go wrong and you could really hurt your drake. But if you have to make sure its quick for him good luck.

AHAHAHA! sorry I think the sexually frustrated part is a bit funny! It is a very interesting fact/observation! I could definitely see some of my males being sexually frustrated too if this happened to them! Depends on the duck and also their personality too I think! some wouldn't be satisfied and other's like your Bob would be happy as can be!
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Hey guys. My duck has this, and the end is very hard. I can get it to go back in, up to the hard part....I lubed it up with bacitracin....what else do I need to do?
If the end is hard, I would take that to mean the tissue is dead, and reinserting dead tissue sounds like a way to make a bad matter worse.

There are sources for information about snipping the dead tissue off. I would take him to a vet or get someone who knows how to do safe surgery.
So when I. Took my drake in it was really expensive. If you can afford it then you should.Otherwise get antibiotics do some research and clip of that dead tissue keep the rest inand keep it as clean as possible you should be fine

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