Duck breed with best personality?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 19, 2009
So, I'm in the process of learning about ducks. I'm curious about the personalities of the different breeds. Which breeds do you think have the best personalities, and why?

So far, out of the three breeds I have now, i'd say my Black/blue east indies are!!!

My PQ call ducklings (now ducks) wanted nothing to do with me at day one

my mallards as ducklings were a little bit more acceptable of me at day one but were standoffish, and now as adults still are the same way, the quack and follow me around but dont want me in their "personal bubble"

my BEI imprinted on me right away, they are little angels
My Anconas are the curious ones and friendly but my male GWH (Golden Welsh Harlequins) are ubber friendly. I love both breeds' personality and temperament.
If scovies like you they are hands down winners.

I like pekins for their sassy mouthiness and most drakes are pretty entertaining
My Pekins have always been friendly.

My Magpies were very personable as well. One of mine will follow me around the yard if they're out there.

My Khaki Campbells are very amusing to watch. They climb my bulkhead and tap at the window to say "hello". It's very cute. We had some chickadees flying in to collect feathers from our yard (must've been building a nest or something) and our Khaki Campbells would chase after the chickadee.

I guess it depends on the duck. These are my favorite breeds so far since I've had a great experience with all 3.

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