Duck breeders in wisconsin

Hi everyone! I'm in SW WI! I have three Calls, and will be getting WH's in the Spring.

@DuckObsessed, My Calls do awesome in the winter! No problems at all. Just give them lots of deep bedding. Mine love shavings.
Oh i want to get anconas. hopefully some day. Welcome to the thread!

Thanks they are my favorite breed! These r my ducls!

Oh i want to get anconas. hopefully some day. Welcome to the thread!
I have 2 ancona boys and they are so awesome....unfortunately, I dont have any lady anconas :/ O well, I like my mixed breeds better anyways. I am really looking forward to seeing my ancona/blue swedish crosses in spring :D should be gorgeous
Thanks they are my favorite breed! These r my ducls!

Your anconas have such speckled heads compared to mine. I love how there is so much variation in this breed as far as looks go......I really want your one with most white in the back(working on convincing my boyfriend)

Your anconas have such speckled heads compared to mine. I love how there is so much variation in this breed as far as looks go......I really want your one with most white in the back(working on convincing my boyfriend)

Oh I bet they will be awesome! you'll have to post pics. I love the looks of mixed breeds. Next spring im going to let my ducks brood and I hope to get some.

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