Duck breeders in wisconsin

Am looking for some advice. My ducks just hatched some little ones. I live in Wisconsin. I brought the baby's inside house. Mom is mad. Thought would be to cold for them to stay out. Mom and dad are in sheltered coop. Should I put back out or keep inside till bigger?
If Mama takes care of the babies bring her in with them. Less work that way plus she doesn't feel cheated and may nip at you (hope she takes them back, usually does).

If the family are usually in a sheltered coop I would even consider leaving them outside, just maybe put a heat lamp out there for additional warmth for the babies. But it's up to you.

My ducklings usually don't go outside before they're about 6 weeks old and fully feathered. I live in NW Wi too and with more snow and another cold snap on the way I would feel safer with the family inside if you can manage that.
Thanks for advice. Leaving them in house. They seem to be doing well
How about some pics?

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