Duck egg air sac/humidity, am I doing this right??? (pictures attached)

Yes I have seen both on here. have to say I said I would never order from a hatchery but last year I did order 4 Salmon Faverolles and they shipped on Monday afternoon and were at my PO Wed morning healthy and happy. I had a great experience. Mine shipped in May so it wasn't too hot or too cold. Check out Metzers if you decide to ship since your on the west coast. Talk to your PO mail person I did I was a nervous wreck. Hopefully you can find someone local with ducklings. Have you asked on your state thread?
Finally found a mirror but have no idea if it's non breakable .. I'll have to look at the store. .. I put a clean stuffed baby in there too. Hopefully she wont get too lonely - shes getting lots of love from everyone.

Have you ever noticed a duckling .. like .. um not choking but it seems like somethings stuck in her mouth or throat? She'll be sleeping then jump up, peep a bunch and shake her head, then what looks to be "preening" (sp?) and shake more with lots of loud peeps. I've given her clean fresh water to try to clear it? Her food/water is soupy but could she maybe have got a chunk stuck? I'll dig through the forums.. just seeing if you had the same experience and some advice
-- will check state thread and will be posting in my local fb pet/lost/etc page tonight --

The little one (IM HOPING FOR A GIRL) is much better. She does have a dish that she can dunk w/ marbles in the bottom incase she get is there- today she figured she could but not big enough for a swim- on the other side of her brooder is the food.. I keep is's a plate like those old school lunch trays. One part is really soupy while one is more like runny mashed potatoes or baby food. She does go back and fourth between the two. I suspect there must have been some dry crumbles that I dropped somewhere while feeding her .. her normal water dish wasnt cutting it so I filled a larger plastic tub thing with warm-ish water and set her in there. Supervised of course - she played for a minute and got it out. I noticed she blew her nose a few times and drank so whatever it was finally came out... she then proceeded to drop some "floaters" so it was time to get out :gig:gig

Still havent named her yet ... soon.. my hubs thinks that because it was the egg he picked out that he gets to ------ yyyeeaaahhh right! He named all the dogs .. even bringing home a surprise dog that he found w/ one eye (although shes so ugly shes cute) - so this is my baby:jumpy:celebrate
Yes I have seen both on here. have to say I said I would never order from a hatchery but last year I did order 4 Salmon Faverolles and they shipped on Monday afternoon and were at my PO Wed morning healthy and happy. I had a great experience. Mine shipped in May so it wasn't too hot or too cold. Check out Metzers if you decide to ship since your on the west coast. Talk to your PO mail person I did I was a nervous wreck. Hopefully you can find someone local with ducklings. Have you asked on your state thread?

I meant to ask about live birds from Metzers. Thats where I ordered the eggs but how was the shipping process with them, were they "packed" ok .. I wonder about the temp right now being summer . I think shipping will be my last resort. I want to get them soon but it's just so hot right now
Def wait for live ducklings if that is your last resort. I didn't order from Metzers but have heard great things about them. I ordered from Purely Poultry and they have people all over the country who hatch for them so my chicks came from Missouri which was a closer to me than Calif. Mine were packed great Had gro gel in the box. Hopefully you can find some ducklings local or at least with in driving distance.
I was able to find my sodapop close by and pick him out. I have a theory about how to tell the boys from girls by their looks - when they're grouped together that is. So far I've been right both times - dude sexed them anyhow but he didn't need too.

Btw the rotten egg cracked - and my step-brother-in-law thinks they may have eaten it because the whole thing was missing this morning. Except the smell. I cleaned out the coop - sprayed it down with the hose and let it dry completely and then put fresh hay in it.
I think one of the others may be bad too - it's dark like the rotten one, where the other two are normal looking but can see they are developing. It doesn't smell yet though - I'm keeping an eye on it and the others.
I posted new pictures of sodapop on my old post though! He's getting so big!
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Have you found friends for your baby yet? I also had a terrible hatch this week, and had to do the same search. (I ended up driving to pick up some mixed ducklings from Ideal.)

I have ordered runners and geese from Metzers before (always in the spring, though). They do pack their babies beautifully, including cups of gro-gel to snack on during the journey. The little ones always arrived in excellent condition, even taking the two full days to get to Texas. I would still worry about the heat, though, and try to find some locals if possible.

Good luck in your search! Your baby will be much happier with friends.

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