Duck egg or chicken egg?

Looks like it could be a duck egg, what breed of ducks some lay white and some beige some other colors. also take your finger nail can you scrape off anything on the egg? How old are your ducks and chickens? I assume both just started laying?
I have a Pekin duck and a buff duck that are 5 months old and I have hens that are 4 months old and I already ate the egg
I have a Pekin duck and a buff duck that are 5 months old and I have hens that are 4 months old and I already ate the egg
LOL okay well when you cracked it open was the shell thick and hard to open if so then you ate your first duck egg and also in a duck egg the yolk is alot bigger than in a chicken egg.
I don't know if it's just my duck eggs, but their yolks are a very bright, rich orange color. Whereas chicken eggs we buy at the store have paler, yellow yolks. It could also just be a difference of lifestyle for the birds though since my ducks get to free-range part of the day. I don't think many chickens used for egg production get as rich of a diet, so maybe that's why their yolks are so much paler? Anyway, I don't have my own chickens to compare so I'm not sure how helpful all of that was. lol!
I don't know if it's the same with all duck eggs but when I kept them, the white was slightly opaque when you cracked them whereas hens egg white is usually clear. I agree that the yolks on duck eggs are usually noticeably bigger but I free ranged both hens and ducks and there was no obvious yolk colour difference. The shells of my ducks eggs had a slight translucence to them which this one doesn't look to have, so I would say that is probably a hens egg. Do you have a hen that has a significantly brighter red comb than the others? If so, that would probably be the one that has earned a special treat.
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what breeds are your chickens?
A pekin or a buff aren't as likely to lay a tan egg - they are more likely to lay a slightly off white egg

All my chicken eggs are a normal thin chicken egg shell. My duck eggs are thick and more difficult to crack. My duck egg whites are clear while chicken egg whites are not as clear and seem kind of yellowish.

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