Duck Eggs Prices

Chicken eggs = 13 people, Duck eggs = 4 people consistently. But I have 8 dozen in the fridge right now, and I am getting 7-9 a day. I need some Asian or paleo duck egg customers!
Any thoughts on up to date prices? I only have 4 duckies, but they all lay one every morning, and we have so many, I have been giving 6 packs away to friends for free until I decide on a price. Local duck guy at the farmers market and the hutterites sell theirs for $5/half dozen and $9/dozen i think. Maybe it's just the area...hard to get duck eggs so they charge a bit more? Thoughts on those prices? Also, mine eat all organic non gmo...lots of fresh green and herbs...etc...might make those prices seem more reasonable?
Most who aren't into the business of selling duck eggs (same goes for chicken eggs )for profit (ie, not trying to make a living, only a hobby, or just trying to help with feed costs, etc) don't really charge the *true* costs of running a duck egg business (cost of feed, gas for feed pick up, egg deliveries, costs of cartons, business license, marketing, utilities, paying yourself labor, fencing, shelter, niacin supplements to stave off angel wings, etc). I've paid $8 a dozen for duck eggs before. I've seen them for sale for $17 a dozen (NON-organic at that!). I will be buying an existing duck egg business in the near future with existing customers who are used to paying the true costs. And i am already picking up new customers and I don't even have the ducks yet!! If you don't charge the true costs (or at least have other products or services you are offering to help buffer your lower than true costs), you can quickly go out of business. Considering duck eggs are in very high demand and sell out much faster at farmers markets, etc...they most certainly command a much higher price than that of chicken eggs.

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