Duck experts needed...

So your response got me thinking, and I looked online. Being a soaper, I have lots of essential oils on hand. Soooo, I made a concoction to rub on his leg daily. It's sweet almond oil with a little peppermint, lavender and lemongrass essential oils. They are all supposed to promote healing of tendons and muscles. @amiga
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So he only weighs 4 lbs...did his weight today. Also dewormed him. Hoping he will start eating more. He is getting bcomplex @ 3/4 cc a day.He seems alert, but eats little compared to his brother...
ETA: I will be adding calf manna to his feed hoping for weight gain
Here is a video taken tonight...and some pics. The hock joint seems so swollen still...seems to go up his leg towards his behind for about an inch...hard to explain but it seems he may?? still have gunk inside his leg? As I said...under the scab it looks thinking it must be up higher? Look how much bigger it is than the other side!

Here is the video

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Just had a thought about drawing salve . . . I forgot - are you using Epsom salt compresses at all? Something may still be in there.

Flossyfelix has been dealing with an intractable infection but finally got something out of the middle of it and we're hoping that's that.
Funny you should mention that drawing salve, I was thinking about it earlier too but wouldn't know what to get? Epsom salt compression? How do you go about that?
Epsom salt compresses are clean cloths soaked in Epsom salt solution, to just barely dripping, then wrapped around the foot and leg and held there for as long as you both can stand it. 5 to 10 minutes is great. I believe Epsom salt may have some drawing properties, it is anti-inflammatory as well. I actually mixed some Epsom salt into comfrey salve, put that on my heel (I had a deep splinter or something), wrapped my foot and went about my business. In two or three days I was good to go.

I just found this link with a drawing salve recipe. Clays will draw stuff through the skin, and charcoal does wonders as well (I now put charcoal on spider bites and it seems to work better than anything - and I am not a doctor or a vet and have not tested these things with scientific method).
Ok, so I made the salve...I'll put it on later tonight...should I take the scab off first? And judging from the pictures should I put it all along his leg where it's swollen? @amiga @casportpony
Here is what I did...I removed the scab and put the salve on . Wrapped a piece of glove around his leg and covered with vetwrap. I'll do this nightly and use the lemongrass mixture in the mornings. I am trying to exercise him 2-3 times a day by making him walk until he gets tired. I really think he needs to build strength in both legs since he hasn't been walking much. I try to do the baths 3 times a week....would love to do daily but it's too much right now with it so cold. He has to be blow dried after and it is a timely venture. Wondering how long to continue trying for him....any ideas?

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