Duck has swollen belly - any suggestions???

Photos of my duck & the smaller leech

Photos of my duck & the smaller leech

Can't bring up the pics, I have never heard of leeches being on ducks, I'd think with all the preening and bathing they do it wouldn't be something they would have to deal with, guess I was wrong. Now I talked with another BYC member and she thinks it may be a good idea to do a purge on your duck in case there could be some internal she recc. 3 teas. of Epsom salt to 1.5 cups of warm water mixing real good to dissolve the salt. do this tonight if possible if not start her in the morning 1x morning and then again tomorrow afternoon. which means you'll have to isolate her from her flock for the day. Do it just these 2X and hopefully if there are any eggs or leeches inside the salt will kill them and she'll pass them out of her body. similar to how salt will dissolve slugs. If you don't feel comfortable doing this then I'd contact a vet and tell them what you found and how she is looking and acting. in the meantime I will research and see if there is any disease water fowl can catch from leeches. I'm sorry no one has gotten back with you but it being Thanksgiving we've all be pretty busy.
Because we are not vets we can only guide you in how we would treat one of our own birds, and I did look up leeches and ducks and came up with this, are you in the USA if so what part?
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Thanks again,
I've Epsom Salts in my animal emergency cupboard so will try her with some of these tonight.
I'll do some more googling & keep you posted
Her eyes seem clear, still bright & blue!!
I've got her tucked up in the house with us for the night, hate seperating any of them as it really stresses them but at least I can keep a eye on her & it will make it easier to administer the epsom salts in the morning again. Tried to give her some tonight but she won't drink or eat when I'm in there, (when they're all together they're jumping over each other to see who can eat out of my hand first) so I've left her snuggled in the utility room with the dish of water - I'm sure I'll be able to tell by the mess of the floor in the morning if she's been drinking it or not.
We're based in the UK so I hadn't realised it was thanksgiving - hope you're all having happy holidays x
Afraid not many people here have ducks as pets so the general response when I've asked local farmers for advice is 'don't waste money on vets, wring it's neck and get it in the pot'
We originally had four ducks (2 male/2 female), had 2 eggs daily but no broody mum, so I've hatched these in an incubator, hand raised them, taught them to eat, drink & swim so I'm afraid there's no chance any of them will be finding themselves between a pan of potatoes & a dish of sprouts!! We now have 15 in total!!

Just read your link on the leeches and they sound gruesome, found some other pages which said that ducks can actually help control the leech population in places as they eat them a lot.
Hope this is the case and it was just the odd couple that were on her plumage which in normal health she would have picked off with the constant preening. The one that I found attached was on her feathers and not stuck to her skin so fingers crossed.
Good News & Bad News on my little Tallullah Belle.

This morning she seemed a lot better on herself, she didn't look as swollen, was stood up and stretching her neck up (seemed like she couldn't stretch up last night)
The dish of water with Epsom Salts was knocked over so I presumed she hadn't drunk much of that. Made some more up for her but she was still stressing this morning and wouldn't drink to start with, so I put her in the sink for a warm epsom salts bath. She did drink some of this but almost immediately snorted out another leech. The leech looked dead as though the salt had worked on it. Good News that the salt worked but bad news that there was one in there, was hoping that they weren't actually inside her. Left her in there for approx. 20 mins and she did keep having big drinks so I've fingers crossed that if there's any more in there the salt has done the same to them.

Her eyes went a little red but think was due to the salt in the water so gave her another soak in fresh water.
Managed to calm her down and watched her drink more epsom salt solution & ate some breakfast.
By then the other ducks were all up, she could her them and started stressing again. She's still a little wobbly on her feet and still keeps falling backwards. So I've let her back out with the others to calm her down and was going to bring her back in tonight and try the salt bath again.
Oh and first poo after the salt bath did look a little like yolk!!

All of the other ducks have had their morning swim and are now on the side of the pond preening themselves. As she keeps falling over when she tries to stand on one foot and scratch with the other, she's stayed in the water but seems to be managing to scratch and preen herself.

Will keep a eye on her throughout the day.

Should I have kept her inside for the day even though she's stressing out - as she's not 100% at the moment didn't want her picking up any more leeches by putting her out but couldn't see her stressing all day??

Isn't it hard to know what to do for the best, (big sigh)
Good News & Bad News on my little Tallullah Belle.

This morning she seemed a lot better on herself, she didn't look as swollen, was stood up and stretching her neck up (seemed like she couldn't stretch up last night)
The dish of water with Epsom Salts was knocked over so I presumed she hadn't drunk much of that. Made some more up for her but she was still stressing this morning and wouldn't drink to start with, so I put her in the sink for a warm epsom salts bath. She did drink some of this but almost immediately snorted out another leech. The leech looked dead as though the salt had worked on it. Good News that the salt worked but bad news that there was one in there, was hoping that they weren't actually inside her. Left her in there for approx. 20 mins and she did keep having big drinks so I've fingers crossed that if there's any more in there the salt has done the same to them.

Her eyes went a little red but think was due to the salt in the water so gave her another soak in fresh water.
Managed to calm her down and watched her drink more epsom salt solution & ate some breakfast.
By then the other ducks were all up, she could her them and started stressing again. She's still a little wobbly on her feet and still keeps falling backwards. So I've let her back out with the others to calm her down and was going to bring her back in tonight and try the salt bath again.
Oh and first poo after the salt bath did look a little like yolk!!

All of the other ducks have had their morning swim and are now on the side of the pond preening themselves. As she keeps falling over when she tries to stand on one foot and scratch with the other, she's stayed in the water but seems to be managing to scratch and preen herself.

Will keep a eye on her throughout the day.

Should I have kept her inside for the day even though she's stressing out - as she's not 100% at the moment didn't want her picking up any more leeches by putting her out but couldn't see her stressing all day??

Isn't it hard to know what to do for the best, (big sigh)
It's very hard to know what to do, sorry to say. and to know if this is leech caused or and egg has broken inside of her is very hard too. the only thing about having her in is being able to keep watch on her poo to see what color and to make sure she is eating and drinking. But stress from being separated from her family is difficult on them also, but watch her close in the water if she is un balanced she could drown. So this pond is where the leeches are I am guessing? and if she looks like she is going down hill, then get her back inside to stabilize her and maybe consider bringing in one of her sisters for support, yep messy but may help to keep her going.
Good News & Bad News on my little Tallullah Belle.

This morning she seemed a lot better on herself, she didn't look as swollen, was stood up and stretching her neck up (seemed like she couldn't stretch up last night)
The dish of water with Epsom Salts was knocked over so I presumed she hadn't drunk much of that. Made some more up for her but she was still stressing this morning and wouldn't drink to start with, so I put her in the sink for a warm epsom salts bath. She did drink some of this but almost immediately snorted out another leech. The leech looked dead as though the salt had worked on it. Good News that the salt worked but bad news that there was one in there, was hoping that they weren't actually inside her. Left her in there for approx. 20 mins and she did keep having big drinks so I've fingers crossed that if there's any more in there the salt has done the same to them.

Her eyes went a little red but think was due to the salt in the water so gave her another soak in fresh water.
Managed to calm her down and watched her drink more epsom salt solution & ate some breakfast.
By then the other ducks were all up, she could her them and started stressing again. She's still a little wobbly on her feet and still keeps falling backwards. So I've let her back out with the others to calm her down and was going to bring her back in tonight and try the salt bath again.
Oh and first poo after the salt bath did look a little like yolk!!

All of the other ducks have had their morning swim and are now on the side of the pond preening themselves. As she keeps falling over when she tries to stand on one foot and scratch with the other, she's stayed in the water but seems to be managing to scratch and preen herself.

Will keep a eye on her throughout the day.

Should I have kept her inside for the day even though she's stressing out - as she's not 100% at the moment didn't want her picking up any more leeches by putting her out but couldn't see her stressing all day??

Isn't it hard to know what to do for the best, (big sigh)
My first thoughts are keep here and the others out of the pond. This is most probably where they are picking up the leeches. I think you should also be checking the other ducks as well and any other fowl who may have had contact with this duck or the water. If you can offer a kiddie pool or some such thing so they can bathe and somehow keep them from the grounds surrounding the pond. Not easy, I'm sure.

Another thing to think about...if this is also a case of peritonitis, an antibiotic may be needed. You will need to watch this bird very carefully to see how she is progressing. If the stomach doesn't go back to normal size soon, I would highly reccoment a dosing of either Sulmet or Di-Methox. Whichever you can get. The Sulmet is a bit more harsh than the Di-Methox, but then so again is the peritonitis. The reason I am suggesting either of these is to kick the infection back and also to kill and purge any remaining leech infestation. If you do need the antibiotic, please follow this up with a good poultry or human probiotic. This should mitigate any stomach upset caused by the drug.

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