Duck in trouble


Oct 19, 2018
I have a four month old Pekin female duck who is having a hard time. It started 2 weeks ago when she started having lameness issues. I attributed it to a student (we are at a horse farm) picked her up by the legs. (She’s been instructed not to do that!). Suddenly 5 days ago she couldn’t stand, wasn’t eating and was lethargic. I’m a small animal veterinary technician and was able to take her to work for X-rays. It through many vets and texts seems she has a blocked gizzard. Nothing wrong with her bones or joints. She does not have bumblefoot. I ran a decal float and smear on her with nothing popping up. We dewormed with strongid and put her on 3 days of metacam. I’ve been swimming her in my bathtub in warm water, giving her a lot of greens which she eats. I took her back 2 days later for recheck X-rays. Still A LOT in the gizzard but seems to be moving? Not a lot out there on duck X-rays except for egg bound which she is not. She is able to stand and move now but still very lame. Please, please please if anyone has any ideas????
You might try Vitamin B Complex water fowl and Pekins in general seem to need more niacin than other breeds probably because they grow out so fast niacin is very important for strong muscles in the legs especially and this year it seems that a duckling already having issues does much better on the liquid b complex than other niacin alternatives TSC has a good one in the cattle dept which says injectable But is given orally 1ml daily . It is def worth trying for the lameness. @CayugaJana is experienced in the liquid b complex also @onaharley @TwoCrows might be able to help with the gizzard if it’s similar to treating sour crop. Sure wish you the best in treating and getting her back on her feet.
You might try Vitamin B Complex water fowl and Pekins in general seem to need more niacin than other breeds probably because they grow out so fast niacin is very important for strong muscles in the legs especially and this year it seems that a duckling already having issues does much better on the liquid b complex than other niacin alternatives TSC has a good one in the cattle dept which says injectable But is given orally 1ml daily . It is def worth trying for the lameness. @CayugaJana is experienced in the liquid b complex also @onaharley @TwoCrows might be able to help with the gizzard if it’s similar to treating sour crop. Sure wish you the best in treating and getting her back on her feet.
X2, lameness in Pekins is almost always due to a niacin deficiency. Most of the time it is reversible but sometimes it’s too severe. Try giving her the b complex that Miss Lydia mentioned. You should see improvement in about a week. Lots of times their legs quiver because they are weak. Muscle formation requires at least 1 b vitamin if not a couple. Hence their legs are weak and they can’t support their weight. It can also make the muscles around the hip joint weak and this causes bowed legs and their hips stick way out and walk pigeon toed. Please keep us updated and let us know if you have any other questions. I’m fairly certain this is easily treatable.

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