Duck mating with my chickens, is that normal?


In the Brooder
Dec 23, 2019
Hi everyone I have 20-week old mallard male duck who just wants to hope on top of the female duck and my 6 chickens. He gets very aggressive and I'm constantly separating him. I don't have a rooster in the flock but my duck has gone as far as injuring my female duck, she was limping from how aggressive he gets while mating. She is better now. But now I have an injured chicken whose limping and I had to separate her for the flock. Any advice and tips are highly appreciated, I need help on what to do? Should I permanently separate the duck from the chickens or would a rooster help, I don't have a rooster yet
Separate and wait. It won't be permanent. It's those darn teenage hormones getting him in trouble!

If you have a dog crate that fits into their existing pen, put him in it. He will need separate food and water for a while until he "gets hormonal perspective", as my brother used to say (about his younger brother) (but not in front of of our parents).
If you dont have any females the males will sometimes try to mate with other species. Its fairly common. Very dangerous for chickens
It definitely seems so. I have received a very important lesson about ducks and roosters today. Roosters won’t return the favor with female ducks will they ? Since they aren’t equipped the same way?
It definitely seems so. I have received a very important lesson about ducks and roosters today. Roosters won’t return the favor with female ducks will they ? Since they aren’t equipped the same way?

Roosters may try to mate ducks however there's not the same risk of internal injury as with drakes and hens (externally, they could wear our their backs I suppose, just as they do with hens).
You only have one female duck? Your ratio is off - most folks recommend 4-6 females per male duck in their flocks (you might be able to get away with 3 since you don’t have additional males)

he needs to be kept away from your chickens and you need to get a couple more girls.

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