Duck Pond/pool pictures

Yes cold weather state Colorado I think it dropped to under -20 one winter that I had it set up. You can get underlayment or put used carpet down to help with moving/sifting sharp rocks. I've also heard you could use cardboard but that didn't sound very long term to me. I never had ducks with that pond but when I get around to owning ducks I'll definitely use another pond liner
Yes cold weather state Colorado I think it dropped to under -20 one winter that I had it set up. You can get underlayment or put used carpet down to help with moving/sifting sharp rocks. I've also heard you could use cardboard but that didn't sound very long term to me. I never had ducks with that pond but when I get around to owning ducks I'll definitely use another pond liner
Thanks so much!

We use a pump to empty the pond once a week, we water the trees weekly anyway. So the pump has a long hose attached and I drag that around to water the trees. Then the rest is used to make mud puddles for my cuties to play in. The pump is easily cleaned and doesn't get too clogged up before the water is empty. Overall, easier than bailing and prettier than a kiddie pool.

What a lovely pond set-up! i'd like to try something like that for my calls... the cleaning part worries me though.
So Our ducks free range when we are home of a day but they do a have a small pool in their pen(its the black rectangle) & I am looking for something a little bigger and considering a Kiddie pool (either way i plan to add a drain & raise it off the ground and deck or use landscaping stones around it)

We are also working on a small pond out from our side patio that they will have access to because i can already see right now with the just the rain that has partially filled it up that I will not be able to keep them out of it easily. ( ill add pictures later right it is the kinda peanut shaped pond that other people have used with a big mud hole around it )

Aside from that we have a 3 tiered waterfall in the back and while they will not have access to the big pond part because we plan to add Koi Fish and have netting over it they will have access to the rest of the water area.

Hopefully all of this will keep them happy and content ( ill be happy as long as they don't get in our above ground pool!) Speaking of that does anyone know if they do happen to get in our pool or drink some of the chlorinated water if it will hurt them

I like your pen! yes, watch your Koi! we have a small pond but it;s not for the ducks, i have to pen around it when the fish return each spring lol

They have apparently taken a liking to their floating house and are sleeping there at night - safe, I hope, from owls, coons, foxes and such, given the protection of the water.

How lucky to have such a huge "pond"! They look very happy in it. As far as cleaning it goes, I think a sump pump (one that does NOT have oil in its workings-that will harm the ducks!) used at the lowest point of the pool every week or so should help get rid of most of the muck and then you can top it off with well water. We also have well water and that's all we use. This year I bought my two geese and three big ducks their own hard sided 5' kiddie pools and the bantam ducks a 6' snap set pool. If the snap set pool holds up through the fall I'll build a deck and install it there (basically, it was a quick fix until I build them a larger permanent structure).

eta 1: I just want to add - them sleeping on the water is not a guarantee of safety from predators.

eta 2: Here are just a few threads addressing sleeping on ponds:
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Beautiful pictures! My pond is a huge runoff collection pond about 2-3 feet deep (when full) but I've noticed that this year it is practically a swamp/bog. I noticed what looked like the bottom of the pond now that its a bit low, but when I stuck a hoe in it, it just sunk in through a foot of decaying, bubbling, stinking leaves. Is there any way to make it less swampy, like something to stop the bubbly boggy decaying process that's going on without having to rake out a hundred years worth of dead leaves? I wish it would all just sink down and give my ducks a few feet of regular water to swim in instead of bubbly mucky leaf soup!
OK. Trying to post pics of my pond. The FAQ says I can upload an image via browsing, but when I click on the "image" icon above the only option I'm given is to embed via URL... is the browse feature disabled on mobile devices? I've tried to upload images from both my iPad and iPhone with no luck. Any insight or redirect to relevant thread appreciated!
OK. Trying to post pics of my pond. The FAQ says I can upload an image via browsing, but when I click on the "image" icon above the only option I'm given is to embed via URL... is the browse feature disabled on mobile devices? I've tried to upload images from both my iPad and iPhone with no luck. Any insight or redirect to relevant thread appreciated!
On my screen, below the red letters Embed and Image is a gray button to Upload Files.

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