Duck with Liver mass inflammatory response in lungs

Urban Waddler

May 17, 2018
Hi. Has anyone heard of soft tissue masses on or near the liver. Loretta is 2 years old, and pekin. My vet said it was a bleak prognosis but they have no way of telling what it is or how it will hurt her, only that hope is not scarce. She was seen for fast breathing and fatigue, and they ruled out peritonitis, and her lungs showed up extremely inflamed on X-ray. We are treating her with heavy dose of metacam and antibiotics and nebulizer (twice a week). I refuse to accept this fate for my sweet little girl. She is spunky and happy during the day, and seems to be responding to meds, but certainly not perfect. I am wondering if anyone has experience with masses like this and has insight to share, for if we get her lungs back to normal I want hope for recovery. I have an appointment with a specialist next Friday. I’ll do anything to save her. I love her so very much. :(
Hi. Has anyone heard of soft tissue masses on or near the liver. Loretta is 2 years old, and pekin. My vet said it was a bleak prognosis but they have no way of telling what it is or how it will hurt her, only that hope is not scarce. She was seen for fast breathing and fatigue, and they ruled out peritonitis, and her lungs showed up extremely inflamed on X-ray. We are treating her with heavy dose of metacam and antibiotics and nebulizer (twice a week). I refuse to accept this fate for my sweet little girl. She is spunky and happy during the day, and seems to be responding to meds, but certainly not perfect. I am wondering if anyone has experience with masses like this and has insight to share, for if we get her lungs back to normal I want hope for recovery. I have an appointment with a specialist next Friday. I’ll do anything to save her. I love her so very much. :(
I meant to say hope is bad prognosis. I got her to say it is possible she could bounce back. But that took some effort.
I can do a little research for you and see if I come up with anything, but I think talking with that specialist will be your best bet.
Thank you. The vet I spoke with today was very bleak. She said she couldn’t be sure from the images what exactly it was, but typically with birds a mass near or on the liver is bad prognosis. She said typically she wouldn’t expect them to live more than a year, but with her other issues she doubts that long. As I was sobbing, she said, she wasn’t sure, that she very well could bounce back, but it didn’t seem very likely. I’d never seen this vet before. I know the images were not the best because I wouldn’t let them sedate her, and thank god I didn’t, as her lungs were very inflamed, either from allergy or virus. They don’t even know if it’s related to mass or not. I am hoping the specialist can say more hopeful things. I am just decanted. She is like my baby. I hatched her, and she’s always by my side. Such a trooper. She seems to be responding, but slowly to antibiotics and metacam. :(
Did the vet mention Fatty Liver Syndrome?
I’ve been looking into it. I’m no vet, but she was exposed to a toxin, and she had this massive inflammatory response in her lungs, it would make sense that her liver could also be affected, enlarged. The vet said it was possible that she just had a very enlarged liver because the pictures weren’t great. She is slightly overweight, she probably gets too many worms. Maybe I should give her some milk thistle just in case? Does anyone have experience with that? Maybe, just maybe, if we caught this soon enough, we can fix her, as it looks like if treated, the liver can fix itself in birds like humans if the damage isn’t too great? Maybe this is just really wishful thinking,, but I need some kind of hope.

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