Duck with possible scoliosis??


Feb 25, 2018
Morrow, Ohio
I'm thinking that one of my 4 week old Welsh harlequins has scoliosis. I've given them brewers yeast in the chick starter since birth. Lots of peas and dandelion greens. They have had vitamins in their water a few times. Because since birth I've noticed something "off" about this duck. Hes the one that was malpositon in the egg and peeping away from the air cell and hatched 2 days after the other duck. Hes always been really weird doing a flip when he gets scared. Walking in a circle till he falls over. Now hes starting to look noticeably different. He looks bent right at his wings, runs a little sideways, body looks short from the side, right hip seems to stick out . What do you all think. Is scoliosis what I'm dealing with here.
It's probably scoliosis.
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Scoliosis is a genetic defect occurring in the white Pekin duck. It results from an abnormal growth of individual vertebrae. Curvature of the spine is not obvious at the time of hatching, but histological evidence of portions of the notochord is present and this is associated with an abnormal growth of the vertebrae. Scoliosis may be grossly obvious in ducks 40 days old. Of 282 white Pekins, 28.4% had scoliosis but only a few had a vertebral abnormality that was evident in the living bird. Scoliosis was not observed in the Mallard or the Muscovy, but occurred in 22.2% of 27 hybrids resulting from the mating of the Muscovy male with the white Pekin female.

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