Duckling with squishy and soft belly


Apr 7, 2021
One of the ducklings that just hatched has a soft, squishy, somewhat distended belly. None of the other ducklings have this.
This one is weaker than the rest - we had to assist in hatch. Rocky was able to internally pip but did not progress at all. Rocky wasn’t positioned right and we removed shell until we found vessels. Eventually they pulled themself out of the rest of the egg.
It’s been 4 hours and they’re struggling to hold up their head and their feet are still curled. I’m prepared to make shoes & can do a neck brace.
Rocky is dry and despite being physically weak seems to be otherwise okay. Peeping a lot and moving around.

We’re concerned about the squishy belly.
Any ideas on what it is?
What can I do to help?
It’s very hard to treat newly hatched ducklings. I’d give it a wait and see for 24 hours to see if he improves on his own
After googling more and physically examining we’re thinking it’s mushy chick disease.
Just checked the belly again and it’s red and irritated.
Can you please send photos?
Hopefully these uploaded right. The belly looks less orange IRL. It was Red yesterday.
There’s a scab where the naval is. Belly doesn’t seem hot like an infection so hopefully it’s not. Did put some bacitracin on it just to try and help. Always using clean hands and q tips.

A bit of an update: he’s now eating and drinking with some encouragement. He’s gone from little nibbles to bigger bites of food and has started drinking more than just flinging water.
He’s still breathing fast/heavy.
One foot has gradually uncurled but the other is staying fisted. His legs are still going backwards. Making a new pair of shoes since he managed to kick off the ones we made earlier lol.
He’s had a couple small poops but they’re not very solid. To be expected when you’ve not eaten/drank much.


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Hopefully these uploaded right. The belly looks less orange IRL. It was Red yesterday.
There’s a scab where the naval is. Belly doesn’t seem hot like an infection so hopefully it’s not. Did put some bacitracin on it just to try and help. Always using clean hands and q tips.

A bit of an update: he’s now eating and drinking with some encouragement. He’s gone from little nibbles to bigger bites of food and has started drinking more than just flinging water.
He’s still breathing fast/heavy.
One foot has gradually uncurled but the other is staying fisted. His legs are still going backwards. Making a new pair of shoes since he managed to kick off the ones we made earlier lol.
He’s had a couple small poops but they’re not very solid. To be expected when you’ve not eaten/drank much.
That might be okay, it's a little tricky to see, but I think what you saw and described before may just have been a full tummy and not fuly healed vent.
Give him time, they don't usually have an immediate appetite but he should start eating soon. You mention he is breathing heavily, what's the temp?

@New duck mommy 2021
It’s normal to have the big belly right after absorbing. When we assist we usually take them sooner then they are ready
Even if fully absorbed they rest before they make the zip
We take that away from them when we help
It’s great that he is eating and drinking
I would look into the boot for the foot if it’s been longer then 24 hours
That might be okay, it's a little tricky to see, but I think what you saw and described before may just have been a full tummy and not fuly healed vent.
Give him time, they don't usually have an immediate appetite but he should start eating soon. You mention he is breathing heavily, what's the temp?

@New duck mommy 2021
I’ve been keeping him around 95F but the heavier breathing continues even when cooler so I don’t think it’s temp related.
He’s definitely improved overnight - I’ve been waking up every couple hours to feed and his appetite has really kicked in.
It’s normal to have the big belly right after absorbing. When we assist we usually take them sooner then they are ready
Even if fully absorbed they rest before they make the zip
We take that away from them when we help
It’s great that he is eating and drinking
I would look into the boot for the foot if it’s been longer then 24 hours
Got a boot on it and so far so good.
I’ve simply not had this happen with any others. We dont like to assist but felt that it was needed in his case - we’ve noticed that his bill is quite a bit smaller than the other’s and perhaps part of why he couldn’t externally pip on his own. That and he was definitely positioned wrong in shell.
We’ve had a duckling before internally pip but took too long to react and died in shell as it couldn’t externally pip, so maybe we acted too soon with that experience in mind.
Either way, he’s doing a lot better today.
Stronger peep, head control is better, a more normal appetite. Wanting to move around. Had some small poops but we need to clean his butt as one has stuck to the feathers >.> but other than that he’s definitely stronger.

Thank you all

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