Ducklings Under Broody Hen

So! I figured I'd let you guys know that I took a chance and put two ducklings (that I couldn't walk out of Murdoch's without) under my bantam cochin who has been sitting on eggs for only 3 days. She immediately tucked them under her and started making soft clucks at them. I've checked on them about 50 times in the last hour and all I can hear is soft purring sounding clucks from Tabby, the new momma. :yesss::love
Oh my goodness. So much cute packed into tiny packages.
I had both Black Australorps and ducks, and the Australorp decided to sit on 5 duck eggs. She set, hatched, and raised those ducklings as her own. She did freak out a little when they were big enough to go in a kiddie pool... LOL
She probably was afraid they'd drown.

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