Ducks Dying On Me...

Can you take a poop sample to your vet they can do a fecal float and tell you if it's worms. Then you won't be worming them if not. Might cost around 20.00
Ok so I found out they have wet feather so I brought them inside and gave them a warm bath they are now drying and I have been drying them with a hair dryer. Now that they are clean I see on my smaller one she has a reddish purpleish spot on her foot. I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or if that should be there. Also I found both of then have small cracks at the base of there beaks. Finally the smaller one is making a low raspy cough/quack. Is this pneumonia? And if it is how do I fix that should they be kept inside or should they go back outside? Do they need to go to the vet??
What part of the country are you in? Bringing them inside giving them a warm bath blow drying them and then putting them back outside in freezing temps isn't so good for them.

Can you post pics of what your seeing foot and bills?

If your worried about their health I would suggest a vet if you can afford it. They can see and get hands on your ducks and are more knowledgeable than we are.
What part of the country are you in? Bringing them inside giving them a warm bath blow drying them and then putting them back outside in freezing temps isn't so good for them.

Can you post pics of what your seeing foot and bills?

If your worried about their health I would suggest a vet if you can afford it. They can see and get hands on your ducks and are more knowledgeable than we are.
Im in New Jersey. I kinda thought that I shouldn't put them back out there.
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Just from my personal experience- maybe it can help:
I had 4 ducks in a 6x10 enclosure and was feeding them crumble from Tractor Supply and had 1 water bucket that I changed twice daily and their kiddie pool

During that time I battled weight loss, bumblefoot, egg problems etc.
I have expanded their pen and now it's almost 20x50ft (thanks to craigslist)
I switched to Mazuri waterfowl maintenance and mix a little of the TSC feed just to make it last because it's more expensive.
I leave out a bowl of oyster shell constantly.
They have 2 pools and 5 water buckets (which I now have to change a few at least 3 times a day because it's freezing)
I clean out their house completely about once every 2 weeks and top it off every other day.
At night I feed them dinner about an hour before I lock them in their house just so they have time to wash it all down. Once they're locked up they get no food or water because it's so cold.

It's a lot, and it's exhausting, but they're healthier and happier.
It kind of looks like your duck is not fully dried off. Before putting her in cold conditions wait until she is fully dry. As for her foot, have you noticed other ducks picking at her. If so you could separate them. My ducks beaks have been cracking too, it think it is just from the cold.
It kind of looks like your duck is not fully dried off. Before putting her in cold conditions wait until she is fully dry. As for her foot, have you noticed other ducks picking at her. If so you could separate them. My ducks beaks have been cracking too, it think it is just from the cold.
she is we there are in the middle of drying off.And no my other duck doesn't pick at her.

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