ducks eating hes gonna choke!


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
over the mountain
ok, so im a newb, this is our first year with ducks, weve done PLENTY of chickens but never ducks untill this year. weve got 2 ancona ducks, pretty sure they are a pair, to start out with. we have learned alot but i still dont know enough! the drake, patches, is just eating and eating all these acorns! we live in a heavily wooded area and weve got acornd a few inches deep in some places this year! and he seems to have it in his mind to eat them all. not just the tiny pin oak acorns but the great big ping pong sized ones too! he really has a time getting the big ones down, but he keeps at it, and im really afraid he will choke or that those big hard acorns will get caught in his gut and cause a blockage. is this a valid concern?
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I've never heard of a duck eating acorns. I guess my ducks just aren't interested in them cause there are oak trees right beside their pen.....
My duckies LOVE snails. At first I was afraid of them choking on the big ones but they seem to be ok so, no worries now

I think as long as you have some water near by for him to drink, everything should be fine.

Pics of pretty Anconas please
Last year was my first with ducks. I was surprised to see them cleaning up the acorns. We usually have tons of acorns on the ground, but last they were all gone. Both Quarkers and Peanut Butter walked around with their crops so full they looked like they need bras. It was nice not slipping on the acorns.
here they are, spot and patches, spot is the lady (we think) and patches is deffinately the drake. i had posted pics in another post trying to figure out sex, and now that ive been educated on the curly tail issue, we think we know who is who. but since we believe spot to be a gal, when should i expect eggs!? theyre 6 months old . and were pretty set on runners this comming spring too! i never knew i would enjoy ducks so much. im glad eating acorns is ok, i feel much better now!

Acorns sometimes referred to as "mast" are a commonly used food source for wild ducks, deer, swine, squirrels, raccoons, bear, and once upon a time American Indians. The species listed and many others feed upon them to bulk up and prepare for winter. It might be a possibility that your duck could choke on one of them, but I don't think that is is a probability. Just read your sig. line. Think that the sinning is what keeps some of us praying?
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