Ducks first real first snow with ducks!


8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Snohomish County, WA

Ciscoe and Peeps

Walter and Watson - Mocha and Mildred didn't get to play in the snow (in sick bay with bumblefoot).

Morning of rain, wind, snow, rain, wind, snow, snow, snow....ducks sat out in it all. I am already ready for it to, coat, gloves, hat soaked from Duck Check trips.
Your ducks are adorable
We now have six inches of snow....ducks seem to be loving it. I keep trying to get then in the house or in the sheltered area under their house where there is a bedding of dry straw, even made them another shelter with straw - but they will have none of it. Their feet may be fine in the snow, but mine are freezing for fussing over them.!

This morning when I let them out.....freedom~

Thanks Kevin! I think so too!
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Walter, Watson, Mocha and Mildred are all Khaki Campbells. Peeps and Ciscoe are Magpies. SIlly ducks! I moved their water and food inside the house, so they have been going in briefly. But at least I know they know enough to go in at all! Time to go out, feed them, and put them in for the night.
Walter, Watson, Mocha and Mildred are all Khaki Campbells. Peeps and Ciscoe are Magpies. SIlly ducks! I moved their water and food inside the house, so they have been going in briefly. But at least I know they know enough to go in at all! Time to go out, feed them, and put them in for the night.

Cute pics, I hope Mildred is doing better.
Beautiful ducks...I have peking ducks and they too LOVE the snow! Snowing like crazy and they are all out "playing" in it!! lol
Unlike the chickens who do NOT like the snow at all....

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