Ducks not being ducks


5 Years
May 19, 2014
Port Wing, WI
We bought and raised from a couple days old two Rouen ducklings and luckily I have a male and female... They share a home with our chickens and goats and everyone gets along great! When thy were still very small we kept them In the house and let them play in the sink and eventually in the tub and then they were moved outside where we have a big pond for them... Since they've been outside they swam A bit in the very beginning for a couple days but never went back into the water and would only play in little puddles... How can I encourage them to swim in the pond?
I never have troubles with it except for when a few didn't know how to get up into my stock tank. I remedied the problem by putting mealworms in the water and then just putting them all in there and kept doing that for a few days. Just relating it with good things, once they figured out how to get up there I can hardly get them out of it.

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